No trust

158 6 22

Song ~ nobody


"Dee I know you took it. so if you don't want me to drop your bow and arrows give it back" Sokka yelled.

"I DIDNT TAKE IT!" I yelled back.

we'd been screaming at eachother all evening because Sokka lost his boomerang and was accusing me of taking it

"what would I even want your boomerang for" I yelled.

"I DONT KNOW.  why did you take it!"

"I DIDNT. JUST GIVE ME MY BOW BACK" I said trying to grab it from him.

"No" he said pulling the bow and arrow higher in the air over the saddle.

Then a huge gust of wind shakes the air and Sokka loses his grip of my bow and arrow.

I watch as my weapon became smaller and smaller disappearing into the forest below.


"SOKKA! why would you do that Dee needs her bow" katara scolded as she held me back trying to stop me killing her brother.

"can we go get them?" I asked eagerly.

"Why can't you just get another one" sokka said not seeing a problem in what he'd done.

"No sokka" I say " I need that one" I shout to him. " I need it" I mumbled to myself.

"it is getting late any ways" Aang said. We landed next to a river not to far from the forest where Sokka dropped my bow and arrows

"you should  look for them tomorrow it's late" Katara suggested.

"Fine" I say.

"ok let's set up camp" Aang said.

We set up camp and I made sure I was farthest away from Sokka. Who does he think he is.


I stared up at the stars looking at each one fitting so perfectly in the sky. My mother used to always tell me story's about them. I miss her the way she laughed, hurt to think about her and it reminded me of how my family used to be so happy and joyful well as joyful as we could be. but then she left and she took my sister with her.

I was waiting for everyone to sleep so I could have a bath. I'd been avoiding them. I didn't want the others to see my burn marks.some I got from training and others where more personal like the one zen gave me. I kept thinking about my past as I drifted of to sleep myself.

"Hey zen I bet you can't beat me in a fight me" I hummed trying to make him aggravated.

"I can I just don't want to hurt a girl" he whined.

"seems to me like you're scared zen are you afraid of me beating you" I threw back.

"no I'm not. ZUKO!" Zen yelled. Zuko look at the two as he was not paying attention before.

"I could beat Dee in a fight right?" Zen asked.

"uh well do you mean with bending or without cause without I think dee would beat you" zuko smirked.

"See" I tanted.

Zen and Zuko where my best friends they where here for me when I needed them they gave me love when I thought no one else would. My father always loved my brother more than me and my other sister Amaro because we couldn't bend. He thought of me and Amaro as disappointments. And as for my mum she loved Amaro more then me because they got along better also Amaro was sick as a kid so she was bed ridden a lot and mum would take care of her.

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