No trust pt.2

124 4 7

Song ~ Diet Mountain Dew


"What" Aang said sadly.

"you can't go" katara said.

"I can and I will I see I've over stayed my visit and I was meant to leave when I got far away enough from Haru's village anyway" I say folding my arms. I didn't really want to leave them but I just couldn't stay I'd be better by myself.

"but you'll be on you own" Aang said .

"I'm fine with that. you guys have your on trip and I have." Nothing " own".

"Where are you going?" Katara asked.

"somewhere important" I lied.

"guys if she wants to go she can we can't force her to stay" Sokka said.

"Ok" Aang said sadly.

Was this the right thing to do. I thought as I stuffed all my stuff in my bag them accusing me really hurt me but there all just kids and they make mistake just like I do but it was already too late I made my mind up I'd already said I was leaving.

I said goodbye quickly and left just like that. It was kind of relieving me not having to worry about anyone or to watch what I tell them. Being on my own was like a weight being lifted off my shoulders. Even if they where all so kind to me well expect Sokka.

When me and Sokka where talking he talked a lot about the fire nation and how he hated them all. It's not like it's my fault bad stuff happened to them.

"yeah but I still feel guilty ,I lied to them" I had to focused on Where I was going so I wouldn't get lost.

The forest look so pretty all the flowers but it wouldn't look like this at night I should find a nearby town I had enough money to keep me going for at least a day.

Just then I heard a voice I recognised too well he sounded different. Well you haven't seen him in 4 years.

I looked the the trees and there he was Zuko. EWWW what is that hair style he looks like a egg I can't believe iroh let him do that.

He did look older though he had more defined features and we can't forget the scar that covers his eye. I wonder where he got that from.

"Uncle have you spotted him yet" he ask just then uncle Iroh stepped out he looked the same with his wise persona.

"yes up north of the beach but may I ask do you even have a plan prince Zuko" Iroh asked.

"yes I do actually" he said in a matter of fact tone "we'll get the gaureds to surround the water peasants so the avatar will be left for me to capture then we'll tie them up and imprison them on the ship"

"well prince Zuko there are a lot of things that could go wrong....but we shouldn't let that stop us" Iroh said.

Was he the one who was trying to capture Aang when Zuko left my father didn't tell me anything about it and he forbade anyone to speak of it at home. Even Azula wouldn't tell me. It was my mother who told me he went away to sea as punishment for talking out of tern but that's all I new.

I should warn Aang and the others but would that be betraying Zuko ,no we haven't seen each other in years it's ok.

As I started to walk back try to make no sound a branch snapped beneath my foot. Uhhh why is it always the branch. I stopped dead in my tracks hidden through the trees to see if Zuko noticed and he did.

He Peered through the trees trying to find what made the sound. Please don't come any closer right as I thought that he creeped closer to the trees trying to get a better look. I'm so DEAD. 

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