
415 8 13

Song ~ pain


Shit there's a guard. I thought I was so close. Maybe if I.. ok

"Hu hum" I coughed trying to get the guards attention.

He looked over at me annoyed but then he saw who I was "miss Kiyadee. Do you need something" he asked

"yes I think there's some problems with the ship engine or something and they told me they needed all the hands they could get." I say hiding the bag of money I had in my hand.

"So your saying?" The guard asked confused. Like it wasn't already obvious.

"I'm saying your needed at the engine room" I say keeping my cool.

"oh but I need to keep guard ...because I'm a guard younno" he chuckled.

I take in a deep breath "you are needed at the engine ok that's an order" I say.

The guard looked uncomfortable  "well" he hesitated "of course miss kiyadee" he said rushing past.

That was mean of me but theres nothing I can do now. I thought I walked down the metal platform until I hit solid ground.

I started to walk through the earth kingdom village, it was so beautiful but the thudding of the fire nation armour I was wearing was all I could hear. Not to mention how hot it made me I felt as if the sun was directly in-front of me. But I had to push through I came here for a reason.

I was on a mission with my father which I hated. but he got angry at surprise there. And sent me home I asked the ship driver if we could stop in a nearby village before we got home.

But in reality I knew what I was gonna do it was ...bad but it's the only way. For it to end.

The only good thing about my missions with my father where that I got to get out of the fire nation more. And I knew as soon as I got back I'd probably have to go back to the Royal Fire Academy for Girls and let me tell you it's horrible.

More than horrible actually they abused us and nobody dose anything about it not even my father.

I had a sack of money in my hand, I glanced at all the stores trying to decide which store I would spend it in.

"miss Kiyadee" I turn around to see two guards behind me. This is a problem. I take off running down a ally way hearing them shout behind me.

I see a ladder nearby and climb up it in a hurry.

jumping from building to building.

Seeing a wooden pole between two houses I swig around it landing on my feet.

I check back to make sure my bow and arrow was still strapped to my back.

I see a shop and rush into it for cover, looking through the window cautiously ,seeing if the guards had past.

As I see them run past I let out a breath. I stand up taking a look at the shop I was in, it was simple I but I liked it and they had these little sculpture made out of wood.

I look around seeing if they had any medicine just then someone I assume the shop owner came out she was a middle aged women with grey hair.

She looked at me and fear shot through her eyes, looking at my clothing she nervously asked If I needed help. I said no kindly and kept looking for stuff with her watching my every move.

Maybe I could get something for the ride back... if I even come back.

I wasn't dumb i knew most people hated the fire nation for what they have put the other nations through, rightfully so.

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