the meeting

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(A/n: I'm sorry if I got any of the scenes wrong I have horrible memory, and I'm not rewatching the black phone one by one just for this book. This also has the f slur and I just want everyone to now I'm aloud to reclaim it please don't think I'm saying it when I can't. )

Tw: the f slur

Me, Gwen, and Finney usually walk to school together everyday, and today is no different.

"No, gwen you can't marry him. " I say. We were all talking about popular people, and if we could date them or not.

"Guys, guys" Finn randomly says jogging ahead.

Suddenly I hear chants of "fight, fight, fight." Up ahead.

Being the instigator I am I run up to the crown of people.

It took some time of pushing people, but I finally got to the front only to see moose, and robin standing there.

Once I heard moose call robin a slur I knew it was all over.

Moose swings at robin only for Robin to duck, and robin lands a punch, knocking moose down to the ground. Robin continues punching him.

I knew robin wasn't going to stop at one punch. He's very big in teaching people lessons.

Robin finally gets up leaving moose bloody on the ground.

Finn, and gwen have already walked off, do to Finn pulling gwen away.

Its not a unnormal occurance that robin gets in fights. He gets in a new fight every other day.

I've watched many of them. This is finneys best friend were talking about.

I love finneys, and robins relationship. Finn looks up to him so much. I wish I had that relationship with someone sometimes.

"Y/n, are you coming?" I hear finney say, snapping me out of my thoughts.

We all walk to school together, and into the building.

When we get inside, I go to my locker only to see Bruce there.

"Hey Bruce, what do you need?" I say as I approach him.

"He.. Hey y/n" I stand there awkwardly waiting for him to continue.

"Oh.. Um I was just wondering if you maybe wanted to.. Um" he says stumbling over his words.

"Bruce calm down just spit it out. " I say.


"I'd love to Bruce. " I say

"Oh good, are you free tonight at 9? We can go to the drive in" he says

"Oh um yeah I'm free then. "

"Okay, sounds like a plan. I'll pick you up at 8:30." He says

"Ok, thank you. " I say not knowing what to say.

He walks away, and to his friends of baseball players. They all giving him a weird handshake, and almost congratulate him? Okay, boys are weird as fuck.

I turn around hearing a shout for my name.

It's finn, and he's full on sprinting.

"Y/n, I need help lan is chasing me with his friends. " I freak out when I hear shouts for Finney behind us.

I grab Finney by his hand and sprint into the bathroom. I didn't even care that this was the boys bathroom at this point.

We both go into the ending stall that's the biggest.

We hide on the toilet hoping they wouldn't see us.

"Come out you little fag, and you to you slut. " I hear one of the guys say.

I walk out of the stall sick of this with finney trailing behind me.

"What do you want lan" I say.

"What are you doing in here, this is the boys bathroom not girls. " pointing at finney. That's just dumb he should have said both of us but wtv.

"And for you, you whore. I heard you fuck people for free. I've heard you give amazing hand jobs. " lan says

"What the fuck, you nasty bitch. " I say going to punch him.

"Hey dipshits, move. " I hear from the doorway causing me to stop what I was doing.

Lan and all his guys move revealing robin. I blush a little.

Goddamn y/n stop you weird bitch.

Robin goes to the sink, and starts washing off his knuckles.

"Fuck with finn or whatever that girls name is again, and I fuck with you." robin says staring at lan, and his friends.

Did robin just stick up for me. I don't even care about the part where he didn't know my name. He stood up for me.

"You can leave now" he says

"Moose has some sharp ass teeth." he says chuckling.

"You're going to have to start sticking up for yourself Finney. Im not always going to be here to defend you. " he says

"I know. " Finn says

"I.. Um have to get to class. I'll leave you guys to talk. " I leave making an excuse.

(A/n: I wrote this all together so idk how to end them so I'm just ending them at random parts.)

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