oh um hey

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I sit there with the phone in hand, confused. What does that mean?

I snap my head around hearing the door open. It's Vance walking out of the bathroom.

"What's wrong? " Vance says standing beside me.

"Do you know Spanish? " I ask.

"I mean I took Spanish last year. " I drag him over to my bed and sit down.

"I need to know what something means. " I say.

"What do you mean? " he says. I explain the phone call, and we sit there trying to figure out what the fuck he meant. Maybe he was in trouble. Maybe it was like a code word.

We end up falling asleep after a while. Tired of trying to figure it out.

I wake up to only find a note beside me, and not Vance.

"Went to see if my dad was home. " it read. Okay then. I get up, and get ready for school before walking out, and meeting up with the Blake's.

"Where's Vance? " Gwen ask.

"He went to see his dad. " I answer.

We finally come up on a fence right in front of the school. I look over only to see a missing poster of Bruce yamada. What the fuck

"Guys, look at this. " I say, pointing at the poster.

"You don't think? " Gwen says.

"It's not the grabber. " I say causing Finney, and Gwen to fight about whether you could or couldnt say his name.

We finally walk into school. I see Robin staring at me from the corner of my eye as I walk into my first period. What's up with him? I take a seat.

"Everyone as you may have seen by the many missing posters. Your classmate Bruce is missing. Please, if you have any information tell me. " the teacher says once everyone sits down.

I remember me, and Bruce's date. Bruce was so sweet. Who could do such a thing?

I think about Bruce for the rest of the period. I have to do something. Bruce would want me to help him.

Right as the bell rings I grab my stuff, and rush to leave school.

"Hey, hey y/n where are you going? " Finney asks me but I just keep walking.

I walk out of the front doors, and out into the parking lot. I walk down the street. He has to be somewhere.

Maybe I was just in denial, but he has to be somewhere. What if I got kidnapped? Then I would know where he is. No y/n that's a dumb idea.

I walk around, on different roads until I walk into someone. I look up. My eyebrows knit together in confusion.

"Robin? " I say.

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