the date.

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When I get to my room I throw on a random outfit I thought looked. nice, and put on makeup while trying to fix my hair.

I hear the doorbell ring. He's here. Fuck. Fuck.

I run down stairs, and open the door.

"Hey y/n" Bruce says.

He's standing there with a bouquet of flowers.

"These are for you. " he says extending the hand with flowers
to me.

"Aww, thank you Bruce. " I say

"Your welcome, should we get going? " he says

"Sure." I says

We get in his car, and start the ride to the drive in. We were sitting in silence. It wasnt good, but it wasnt uncomfortable either.

"Soo, um do you wanna play like 20 questions and get to know each other. " I ask.

Wtf y/n. 20 questions. Are you 10?

"Sure! " he says

"Okay umm what's your favorite color. " I say

"Blue for sure" he says.

We continue the car ride asking each other questions out, and back.

When we arrive we both get out of the car.

"Follow me. " he says, before walking to the back of the car.

He opens it, and it's filled with blankets, and pillows.

"Wow this is perfect Bruce. " I say

"Why thank you, lady's first. " he says, and helps me up.

We get in the back, and start watching the movie. It's night mare on elm street. I didn't sign up for watching a scary movie.

As the night movies on he moves closer and closer to me.

At the scary parts I'd jump, and he'd make fun of me for it. Jokingly obviously.

I turn towards Bruce. And start leading forward to grab some chips that were behind him.

Bruce leans in, and kisses me. I pull back quickly.

"Bruce i- I don't.. " I try to say something but I can't.

"No, I'm sorry I thought you were yk.. "

"Yeah that was my fault. " I say

We continue watching the movie in awkward silence.

Finally the movie ends.

"I guess we should get going. " he says, and I nod.

We both get up in the front, and he drives away.

Finally we get to my house.

"Thanks for the awesome night. " I say

"No thank you, you made it awesome. " he says

"Whatever" I say, jokingly rolling my eyes.

"Bye Bruce. " I say

"Bye y/n" I hear from inside the car before I close the door.

I walk to the door only to turn around and see Bruce still standing there. I smile to myself, and walk inside.

I sneak around the corner to make sure my step dad is still asleep, and he is.

I creep up the stairs slowly, watching out for the squeaky ones.

I make it to my bedroom, and I change into my pajamas.

I fall asleep within minutes of getting in my bed.

(A/n: this one is short just like the last one I'm sorry. )

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