the hospital

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"Oh, um, your welcome. " I say, and smile at him.

I've always found Vance attractive. I mean look at him. He has curly poofy blonde hair, and blonde eyes, and he can fight. I may or may not have a thing for fighters.

"Do you feel like talking about... It. Like what happened to you. I'm hear to listen to you. " I say

"The grabber... He got me." He says.

"How? " I say

"I got kicked out of the grab n go while playing pinball 'for being to loud'... I was just walking home, and this man dressed as a old man fell in front of me. I know I seem mean, but I still have a heart so I helped him up, and he spraid this random shit in my face, and I passed out. " he says.

I try to take in all this information. Vance Hopper Got tooken by the grabber. If he can get tooken anyone could.

"I woke up in a concrete room with a man in a hippo mask in front of me. It was horrible y/n. He did horrible things to me. " he says. At this point he was tearing up.

I grab his hand trying to comfort him.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I can't imagine. " I say

"He left me on the side of the rode thinking no one would find me. He thought I was going to die there, and I did to. " he continues.

"Just think about it like this. You're here now. " I say.

He smiles, and closes his eyes.

"Go to sleep I'll be here until you fall asleep. " I say.

Why am I being so nice to him. He literally bullied me out of $10 before. Wait, why is he being nice to me. Why are we holding hands..

When I hear soft snores coming from Vance I slowly remove my hand from his, and get up.

I had to go home or my step dad was going to kill me. He probably is going to.

I look at my watch. 10:00 it reads. Fuck. My curfew is eight.

I speed walk out of the hospital, and basically run home.

I open the door to my house only to see my step dad standing in front of me.

"Where were you? " he asks.

"I was at finneys, and Gwen's house. " I say. I wasn't going to tell him I was at the hospital with a boy. He would probably kill me.

"Oh really? " he asks.

"Yes." I say.

"Well you still missed your curfew, and you know what that means. " he says.

I had to deal with being beaten with a belt for the second time this week. It was worth it knowing I saved Vance.

When he's done, and goes to sleep in his chair I limp up to my bedroom, and fall asleep.

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