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"What did I say. I told you to stay away from Vance. Hes mine. " she says.

"He's not yours, and how did you know I've been hanging out with Vance. Are you like stalking me? " I say.

"I have my ways. " she replys before kicking me in the stomach.

"I told you I was going to make your life living hell didn't I? " she says before kicking me again. She was about to kick me again before I hear someone.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. " I look up to see robin. The girl looks at him.

"Oh, and what are you going to do? Hit a girl? " she says.

"Oh I'm not going to hit you, but she will. " he says, and Gwen pops out, and punches the girl.

She punches her again before stopping.

"Don't tell finney I did the. He will kill me. " Gwen says before walking off. I chuckle.

"Thank you robin. " I say.

"Don't thank me. It was all Gwen. " he says.

I smile at him before walking away. I should skip, and go see Vance it'll be fun.

I walk through the front door, and out into the crisp air. I start walking in the direction of the hospital.

I finally get there, and go inside. I check in. I have to register as his girlfriend or they won't let me in. Maybe that's why that girl thinks I'm dating him. Whatever.

I walk into his room to see him awake.

"Why are you here so early? Shouldn't you be at school? " he questioned.

"Well I wanted to come see you. " I simply responded.

I walk over to sit in the chair, but he moves over on the bed, and pats the place beside him.

"Come sit with me. " he says, and I walk over, and shuffle into the bed beside him.

"Is this your way of trying to get in bed with me. " I joke.

"I would never, also that chair probably hurts to sit in. It is plastic." He says.

"Wow vance hopper actually cares about me. " I say dramatically, and put a hand over my heart.

"Don't let that get to your little brain. " he says.

We jokingly argue, and talk about random things for about a hour until I feel myself drifting into sleep.

Suddenly I'm awoken by a nurse. I look over to see Vance asleep. I realize I fell asleep with my head on his shoulder.

"Sorry miss, but visiting hours are over. " she says with a sympathetic smile. I smile back, and get up.

I walk out of the hospital. It's still light outside. I think I finally got back before my curfew.

When I'm walking I run into someone, and fall backwards.

"Oh I'm so sor-" I say, but stop when I look up and see robin.

He reaches out his hand. I grab it, and he pulls me up.

"Are you okay? " he asks.

"Yeah, sorry for bumping into you. I wasn't look around. " I say.

"You should be more conscious of your surroundings. Wouldn't want the grabber getting you. " he says

"Yeah, I know. " I say.

"Would you like me to walk you home? " he asks.

"Sure." I say before trailing off to my house.

We finally get to the door. I turn around, and look at robin.

"Do you have a pen? " he asks.

"Oh um yeah I do why? " I question confused.

"Just give me the pen. " he says, and I give him it.

" give me your arm. " he says, and I comply, holding up my arm.

"This is my number call me if you need anything. " he says. I look down at the numbers on my arm.

"Thanks robin. " I say before smiling, and opening the door, and closing it behind me after walking inside.

I sneak up to my room, trying not to wake up my parents.

I walk into my room, and put my bag down.

I flop onto my bed, and grab my radio. I start playing my favorite song.

I start thinking about robin, and vance. never have I been so confused.

I really like robin, but I like Vance to. Crushes are so confusing.

I look down at my arm revealing the numbers. Maybe I should call him.

I walk over to my phone I had on my wall. I pick up the phone, and start moving the dial to each number. Suddenly it starts ringing.

After three rings I hear a voice.

"Hello? " I hear robins voice.

"Hey it's me y/n." I say.

"Oh y/n hey. " he says

"I'm sorry for calling you. I'm just bored. " I say.

"It's fine. Im bored too. " he says.

We spending an hour on the phone just talking about random things. Until robin has to go.

"Bye robin" I say

"Adios preciosa." He says, and hangs up. Leaving me confused.

What the fuck does that mean. I try to recall things from my Spanish class a year ago, but fail miserably.

I pick up the phone again, and call Vance. He has a phone in his hospital room for whatever reason.

"Hey Vance. " I say when he finally picks up.

"Hey y/n." He says, sounding sleeping. Oh my god. his sleepy voice makes me weak to my knees.

"How are you? " I ask.

"Good, I think they might let me go tomorrow. " he says

"Really? " I say

"Yeah." He says

"I can finally force you to come over when you get out. " I say.

"Yeah." He says after chuckling.

"I'm gonna go, stay good ig. " I say

"Bye y/n."
"Bye Vance. "

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