stay away from vance

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I wake up the next morning to my alarm clock blaring into my ears.

"Stupid peice of shit. " I say as I try to turn it off.

I get up after turning it off. My step dad would kill me if I didn't get up. I grab random clothes off my floor, and go to the bathroom.

I changed into my clothes, brush my teeth, do my hair, and makeup (if you want make up or not).

I walk downstairs to my parents fighting. What the fuck.

I grab my bag, and leave.

I open my door to see gwen, and Finney. I quickly close the door.

They know this happens, but I still don't want them to witness it.

"Omg y/n why do you have bruises and shit. " Gwen says.

"Shh. My step dad. " I say.

"I'm going to beat his ugly old ass one day. " Gwen says.

We continue our walk to school, until some random boys jump out from a random bush, and push Finney down.

Am I going to have to fight again.

"Hey, you dickwod get off him. " I hear from behind me. It was Robin

"Look Finney, it's your faggot boyfriend coming to save you. " the guy says.

Robin goes up to the first guy, and punches him in the stomach, and pushes him off Finney.

I grab finney up from the group, and pull him into a hug.

Robin continues to fight the guys until they're all on the ground.

Robin grabs Finney from me, and pulls him into a hug.

I see him whisper something to him, but I don't mention it.

We all walk to school together.

We walk inside. I feel eyes on me. I would be looking to I mean I'm covered in bruises, and I beat up a girl.

I walk to the bathroom after excusing myself from the group, and telling them to have a good day.

I walk into the bathroom, and go up to the sink, and splash water on my face.

I feel like crying, but it's almost like I can't.

As I'm in my thoughts the bathroom door opens. I turn to see Angelas friends, minus Angela. I mean Angela was in the hospital.

"Well, well, well, look who we have here. The fat whore y/n." One of them says.

"Shut the fuck up." I'm really not in the mood for fighting.

They keeping walking forward until I'm back in a corner.

One of them pulls out a switchblade.

"Um.. What are you going do with that. " I say stuttering nervously.

"Oh.. We're going to get revenge. " she says as she caressed my cheek with her hand.

I hit the switchhblade out her hand, and punch her in the stomach.

I go to grab the knife, but one of the other girls already go it. Fuck.

I hit the girl in the nose, and push her on the ground. The girl with the switchblade charges at me leaving a opening to the door.

I sprint for the door making it just in time to not get cut by the knife.

I run into Robin who was right in front of the bathroom.

"Woah, woah, woah, what happened? Are you okay?" He says.

"No." I simply say before I start sobbing.

He brings me into a hug. Am I really crying into Robins shoulder in the middle of the hallway right now. Id be embarrassed if it wasn't for the shit I've been through the last two days.

"What's wrong? " he questions again.

"There were girls... Angela's friend with a switchblade in the bathroom. " I say

"Those whores. " he simple says, before bringing me into a tight hug.

Finney walks up to us.

"Omg y/n what happened. " he says. I explain everything to him.

"Why don't you tell someone like the principal. " he says

"I don't know. " I say

"Cmon let's go do it, and then we can skip school, and go to my house. " Finney says, and I nod.

We all three walk to the principals office, and Finney knocks.

"Come in. " could be heard from the other side.

We walk in.

"Y/n, robin, Finney. A weird bunch to be together, but what do you need. " she says

I explain to her the situation, and she says she'll handle it.

We all walk out, and head for the doors. We finally get to finneys house after a long walk.

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