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"Oh um.. Y/n hey. " he says. I debate bringing up the phone call last night, but before I could robin is talking.

"What are you doing out here alone? Shouldn't you be in school. " he says.

"I could ask you the same. " I say, trying to avoid the question.

"I was just walking around. Clearing my mind you know? " he says.

"Do you wanna talk about it? " I say.

"Um, sure. " he says. We sit down on the side walk.

"What's wrong? You know you can tell me anything, right? " I question.

"It's just I like this girl alot, but I'm pretty sure- no I'm sure she likes someone else. " he says. For some reason my heart stopped at that.

"Robin, you're so amazing, and if a girl is too dumb to see that, and like you then she doesn't deserve you. " I say.

"Yeah.. " he says, looking down at his shoes. I grab his hand, and start dragging him along with me.

"Where are we going? " he ask.

"Somewhere." I say before looking over my shoulder, and smiling at him.

I drag him a long to a old park. Me, and Gwen used to come here to cheer her up.

I run over, and sit on a swing.

"Come, sit. " I say, patting the seat beside me. He walks over, and sits down.

"Me, and Gwen come here all the time. It's like our comfort place. " I say.

"It's nice. It's kinda comforting. " he says, looking over at me.

"Yeah." I simply say.

Me, and robin sit there talking for what feels like Eternity. I never realized how nice it was to talk to him. I look down at my watch.

"Oh shit, robin I have to go. This was fun, bye. " I say, grabbing my stuff, and running home. Should I have left him? No, but I did. I turned around to see robin sitting on the swing with a confused look on his face.

I finally get to my house. Opening the door, and walking in. I didn't miss my curfew today, luckily. I walk to my room, and sit down on my bed. I should check up on vance.

I walk over to my phone, picking it up. I twist the thing around to the numbers. When I'm done I bring it up to my ear to hear it ringing. It finally stops ringing.

"Hello? " I hear from the phone.

"Hey vance. It's y/n." I say.

"Oh hey babe. " he says causing me to smile.

"I was just calling to check up on you. How'd it go? " I say.

"Good. My dad is letting me stay with him. " he says.

"Good." I say. We both sit there in comfortable silence.

"Oh y/n I was thinking.. Maybe we could go on a date. I have a place in mind. " he says.

"I'd love to. Do you have a time in mind. " I say.

"Does after school tomorrow work for you? " he says.

"Sure." I say. We talk for hours until we hang up. I lay down on my bed, and fall asleep with a smile on my face.

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