robin i dont need help.

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"Y/n what happened? " I turn around to see robin.

"It's nothing really. " I say.

"No it's not. Here come with me. " he grabs my hand, and drags me to the bathroom.

"Sit on the sink I'll clean your wounds. " he says, and I comply.

"Who did this? " he asks cleaning my wounds.

"Just a random group of girls. Apparently Vance is the main girls. Her word not mine. " I say

He chuckles.

"Girls are like that. Why'd they say that though. Are you like dating vance? " he questions.

"Oh no, I just um found him on the side of the road. He wasn't to good, and I stayed with him in the hospital. Obviously that makes us dating in her eyes. " I say.

"Done." He says smiling, and I smile back. His smile is contagious.

He helps me down off the counter.

"You should probably get home it's late. I'll wake you home. " he says.

"Oh um actually I was going to see Vance. " I say

"Oh okay. " he says.

We walk out of the school together.

"Why we're you here so late. " I ask.

"Oh, I like hanging out here sometimes. Its better than home. " he says.

"Oh." I say.

"Be safe y/n, okay? " robin says.

"Okay, you too. " I say before turning the other way to go the hospital.

I walk for a long time. I turn a corner to see a black van in front of the hospital. What the fuck.

I speed walk into the hospital.

I walk past the front desk, and to Vances room.

I open the door, and walk in to see Vance asleep. I smile, and sit in the chair beside his bed.

He moves around, and opens his eyes. He looks over at me, and smiles.

"Hey y/n. You came. " he says

"Obviously, I had to make sure you were okay. " I say

He smiles. We talk about my day for a while until Vance falls asleep. I get up, and walk out.

It's now nine o'clock. I'm going to get my ass beat again. Do I ever learn?

I walk home alone to see that black van following me. I speed up my walking.

I'm basically running at this point. I finally make it to my house with the black van still following me.

I unlock the door as fast as I could, walking in, and closing the door as fast as I can.

I run up to my room. Luckily my step dad obviously fell asleep, so I'm not getting my ass beat tonight.

I walk into my bedroom, get into my pajamas, and fall asleep.

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