missing you is a understatement

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I smile to my self as I get ready. I walk over to Finney, and Gwen when I get I'm done getting ready.

"What are you smiling about? " Finney says.

"Nothing." I say.

We continue to walk to school. I walk in, and to my locker.

"Hey mi amor. " I hear, before my locker door gets closed. I look over to see robin.

"Hey robin. What do you need? " I ask.

"Can you help me clean my hands. I got in a fight, and you're the best at it. " he says.

"Sure." I say, smiling. I grab his hand, and walk to the bathroom. I walk in.

"Wash it first. " he does so, before sitting down on a random toilet with a seat down.

I take out tape from my bag, and grab some paper towels.

"You need to stop getting in fights. " I say wrapping the paper towels around his knuckles, before putting the tape on top.

"There." I say simply. He moves his hand around.

"Thanks y/n." He says. The bell rings.

"Oh shit, bye robin. I have to get to class. " I say, rushing off. I hear small bye coming from the bathroom.

I walk to my class, and sit down. I look over to not see Vance. I shouldn't get worried. He literally came in late yesterday.

When I get to fifth period, and Vance isn't there I'm panicked. What could've happened? Where is he? All these questions are going through my head.

I walk out of the school, and over to the trailer park I know to well. I'm going to Vances house. I need to know where he is. Is this a bad idea? Yes. Am I still doing it? Yes.

I walk up to the door, and reach my hand out. Should I really do this? I knock on the door twice. The door opens.

"What do you want. I don't want girl Scout cookies. " a older man says when he opens the door.

"I'm looking for Vance. " I say, and I could've swore I saw panic fill the man's eyes for a few seconds.

"He didn't come home last night. I thought he'd be at this girlfriends house he talks about all the time. " he says. Oh my god.

"He's missing then. I'm his girlfriend. He walked me home last night. " I say. The guy just shrugs, and closes the door.

This bitch. Vance is missing, and he's being a bitch. I rapidly knock on the door. Finally after 5 minutes I give up, and walk home making sure to stop at the grab n' go. I hoped when I walked in I'd see Vance playing pinball, and he was just blowing me off, but all I saw was a group of teenage boys trying to beat his score.

I finally get home, and basically run to the phone. I pick it up, and dial the numbers. 911.

When they arrived I got questioned by a lot of police.

"Okay Mrs. L/n that's all the questions we have. We will open a case. I promise we will find him. " the officer says, smiles, and walks away leaving me standing on my front porch just staring out into the darkness.

The realization set in that Vance is gone, causing me to starting sobbing.

I sit on the porch crying for a while before going to bed, crying myself to sleep.

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