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I turn around to see a teacher pulling me away.

I look down at my knuckles only to seem them covered with blood.

Realization sets in of what I just did. Holy fuck. Omg.

I feel myself panicking. I don't know why I'm panicking, but I am. Oh my god they're going to call my parents.

My step-dad is going to beat my ass more than I beat angelas.

I'm pulled into the principals office, and sat in a chair.

"Mrs. L/n I expect better from you. You're one of the best kids here, and you go, and do this. " the principal says.

"I-" I try to speak but I'm cut off.

"No excuses. We've already called your parents, and informed them of what happened. They're coming up here right now. We've also informed the police. They may speak to you or they may not. " the principal finishes.

"The cops? It was just a dumb school fight. " I say

"Mrs. L/n that girl is beat half to death, because of you. That's not just a dumb school fight. " she says

Panick fills through me. What the fuck am I going to do. Am I going to go to jail for a school fight. Also what does she mean half to death. I've seen Robin do worse.

I rather go to jail then have to deal with my step dad.

I hear the door fly open, and I look over to see my step dad, and mom. Fuck. They look pissed.

"Can we speak to her for a second, please? " my mom says talking about me.

"Of course. " the principal says, and walks out.

"What the fuck y/n." My mom says. I stay quiet.

"Just wait until we get home. " my step dad says.

That scared me. I already was prepared for it to happened but this just attest to it actually happening.

The principal walks back in.

"Well, good news. Youre aloud to go. We do need you to sign this Mrs. L/n" She says.

When we're walking out of the principals office I can feel all eyes on me.

I caught a glimpse of Finney in the corner of my eye. I smiled at him, and he returned it.

When we get home I put all my stuff down and start heading upstairs.

"Oh no your not leaving come here. " my step dad says removing his belt.

I walk over to him slowly. I knew this was coming.

He grabbed me, and started hitting me with the belt as hard as he could.

I start screaming in pain, and begging for him to stop. It hurt so bad.

"You little slut, this is what you deserve. " he says

I started sobbing from the pain.

"STOP." I screamed, but he only continued.

This continues for 20 minutes before he gets bored, and walks away to watch TV.

I lay on the floor sobbing. It hurts to move. I can't stand up.

I try to stand up, but as i move it shoots a wave of pain through my body, and I scream.

I lay on the floor for an hour until I decide to try, and get up again.

I get up still hurting when I move. Wincing every few seconds.

I walk over to the living room to see my step dad asleep in his chair. I look over at the clock. 8:15 it read.

"Fuck, no, no, shit. " I say, while trying to quietly run up to my room.

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