angela is a bitch

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I walk into my first period.

"You're late Mrs. L/n." The teacher says.

"I know, I know. " I said, and walked to my seat.

I look beside me to see the seat beside me was empty. That's where Vance sits.

He's probably just skipping like always, but he never skips first period.

It's science, and it's boring but he never really misses it. Maybe it's just one of the days he does.

I focuse on the teacher before zoning out for the rest of the class.

The bell rang knocking me out of my trance.

I still couldn't shake the thing about Vance. Why did I care though he's a prick.

I walk to the back of the school to get some fresh air.

At the back of the school was a field, and some woods. They used the field for track practice.

I start walking only to see gwen crying up against a random fence.

"Omg, gwenny what happened. " I say when I run up to her. As I got closer I noticed bruises and cuts on her body.

"This girl and her friends beat me up. " she says

"I tried to fight back, but it didn't work, because it was five of them against me, and she had a knife. " she continues through her crying.

I know this must have hurt. Hell it probably still hurts a lot.

"Gwenny, let's get you to the nurse. " I say.

She gets up, and I grab her hand. We walk through the halls, and we finally reach the nurses office.

"Gwen who did this to you. " I say before opening the door.

"It was a girl named Angela and her friends. " she says

Angela. Not that bitch.

I open the door angry. When I open the door I'm met with the nurses desk a few feet away from me, and in the back Robin sitting on a cot.

What. The. Fuck.

You know what what ever.

"Omg sweety what happened. " the nurse says immediately noticing the cuts and bruises.

"This girl and her friends jumped me. " Gwen says.

I walk out knowing Gwen will be in good hands with the nurse.

I love the nurse so much. I spend a lot of my time in her office. I get really sick when I get anxious. Which I get alot, and that gets me in her office almost every other day.

The bell rings. Perfect she'll be at her locker.

"Hey y/n-" finney says but stops noticing me fast walking angrily.

"What's wrong, where are you going." Finney says

"To jump a bitch. " I say plainly, and walk in the direction I know her locker is in.

It's good that her locker is only like 5 down from mine.

I see her ugly ass red wig from a mile away.

I place my hand on her shoulder getting her to turn around, so I could punch her, and I punch her in the nose.

" oww wtf. " she groans.

"Oh I'm not done. " I say before kneeing her in the stomach causing her to fall to the ground.

One of her friends surprisingly punches me. So I punch her in the throat. I would pay to see her try to eat anything but soup or apple sauce for the next two weeks.

The other girl comes up behind me and puts me in a head lock.

"Hey, you dumb fuck. " I hear, before the girl behind me let's go of me.

I look around to see Gwen punching the girl.

Wow. I'm so proud.

Angela tries to get up but I get down to basically hovering over her before punching her over and over.

"Don't fucking touch Gwen again. Got it" I say as I feel myself getting tugged away.

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