the picnic

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The smile on my face doesn't fade until the bell rings, and vance drops my hand. I grab my bag, and start walking to the door.

"I got to go the other way love. I'll see you later. " Vance says before walking away.

I walk into second period, and sit down hoping the time would come faster.

Finally the end of the day bell rings. I get out of my seat, and hurry out of the classroom over to vance.

"Ready to go? " I ask him with a smile on my face.

"Of course. " he says grabbing my hand.

We walk out of the school, and onto the cracked, dirty pavement.

"Where are we going? " I ask, impatiently.

"Impatient are you? I told you it's a surprise. " he says

We keep walking talking about random things until he grabs my arm, and starts dragging me.

"Close your eyes. " he says, before putting his hands over my eyes.

"Okay open. " he says before removing his hands.

"Vance this is adorable. " I say, looking around to see a picnic.

He smiles. He look genuinely proud of himself.

I sit down, and Vance follows.

I start to laugh making Vance look Aggravated.

"What are you laughing at? " he asks.

"Nothing, it's just so sweet that you set up a picnic for us. You don't look like that kinda person. " I say

"I may have had help from Finney, and his little sister. " he says

"Since when did you talk to them? " I question

"I don't, I just needed help. I didn't have a idea for a date, and Gwen suggested a picnic. " he says

"Oh, it's still sweet. " I say

"I didn't just invite you here for the picnic. " he says, making me look at him confused.

"What do you mean by that? " I question

"I have a question.. " he says

"And that is? " I say

"Y/n will you be my girlfriend. " he says.

"I'd love to. " I say smiling at Vance.

We spend the rest of the picnic eating grapes, like a little to many, talking, gossiping, and talking about Vances fights.

"It's getting dark. Want me to walk you home? " he says. I nod, and we start walking to my house.

Finally we get to my house. We walk to the door.

"Would you like to come in? " I say, causing Vance to nod.

We walk in, and up to my room. My step dad isn't home today. He went out drinking.

I sit down on the bed, Vance following.

"You wanna watch a movie? " I ask

"Sure. I'm picking though. The last time we watching a movie you picked. " he says. I hand him the vhs's.

I lay down on my bed. Vance lays down beside me, and I lay my head on his chest.

I fall asleep like that watching Vance favorite movie with Vances arms around me

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