shared kisses

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I went to all my classes with vance. The final bell finally rings causing me, and Vance to get up, and leave.

We walked to my house. When we get there we snuck in the door, and up to my door.

When we get to my bedroom I close the door, and sit down on my bed. Seconds later Vance comes, and sits beside me.

"So.. " I say.

I lay back on my bed. Vance laying back too after a minute or two.

"Why are you here? That sounded bad sorry just like don't you have family that would want to see you? " I question. He stares at me for a moment before answering.

"I have no family left. Well family members that actually care about me. I only have my dad left, and he could give less about me. " he says.

Me, and Vance sit there for about an hour just talking about family, school, trauma, everything really.

"Hey Vance? " I say.


"Why are you nice to me? Your not really nice to anyone. No offense, but like you literally beat up anyone even looks at you wrong. " I say

"Y/n.." He says before kissing me. I sit there in shock for a second before kissing back. We kiss for a while. Well it felt like a while but it honestly could've been three seconds.

I smile before resting my head on his chest, and falling asleep.

(A/n: listen stfu I know 'this is a robin fanfic' it's coming I promise. )


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