the black van

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Vance comes out of the bathroom, and walks over to me.

"I should probably get going. My dad is probably wondering where I am. " he says before rushing out of the door.

Vances dad is never home, and certainly doesn't give a fuck about him... So, he was obviously lieing to me.

I decide to go to finneys to clear my mind. I walk out the door, and onto the street, walking towards finneys house.

Luckily finneys only lives like three houses from me. I knock on the door.

The door opens, and gwen appears.

"Oh hey y/n. Come in. " she says, opening the door fully.

I walk in, and to finneys room.

"Hey finne- oh hey robin. " I say seeing robin sitting beside finney. It looks like they're doing math.

"Hey y/n I'm just helping robin with math. " finney says.

"Oh, um, I can leave so y'all can get back to that. " I say, but finney cuts me off.

"No, it's fine, stay. " he says, motioning for me to come over, and sit beside him.

I walk over, and sit in front of robin, and him, so we're basically in a circle.

"Whats wrong? " finney says, after seeing the upset look on my face.

"It's Vance. " I say.

"What about Vance? I will beat his ass. Well I'd probably get my ass beat, but I could try. " finney says.

"It's really nothing. I'm probably just over thinking. " I say.

"No, tell us. I can do my math another time. " robin cuts in, finally speaking.

"He asked me to be his girlfriend the other day. " I say.

"Is that bad? What'd you say? " finney questions, while robin looks upset.

"I said yes of course, but that's really not what I'm upset about. " I say, before continuing.

"He fought someone today for literally just bumping into the pinball machine, and then when we got back to my house he literally rushed off making a excuse. " I say.

"Y/n you know how he is. He has like major anger issues, like very major, and hes not exactly used to dating. " finney says.

"Yeah, thanks finney. " I say, before hugging him.

"Are you actually failing math? " I ask robin.

"Shut up its hard. " he says.

We spending hours just talking, laughing.

"Guys, I'mma go. It's getting late. " I say.

"I can walk you home. " robin says.

"No it's fine, if anyone should be walking anyone home I should be walking you home. You know the grabber only takes boys. " I say

"Whatever." He says. We both get up, and walk to the door.

We walk down the road side by side since we lived the same way.

I reached my house, and start walking up the driveway.

"Bye robin. " I say waving to him.

"Bye." He says. I look behind him to see the black van that was following me. It's probably nothing. I unlock the door, and walk in.

I walk up to my room, and get into bed, after changing into pajamas. Falling asleep.

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