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We all walk inside to a empty house.

"My dad is gone drinking with his friends. He probably won't be home for another 3 days. " Finney says.

He leads us up to his bedroom, and I sit on the floor.

"Soo.. What should we do? " I ask

"I dunno. " Finney says.

"Let's watch a movie! " I randomly say.

"Okay. " Finney says

We pick our favorite movie that we all know and start watching it.

Halfway through I feel myself falling asleep.

I wake up to Finney shaking me.

"Y/n you need to get home it's getting dark. " he says.

"Yeah, yeah, okay. " I say getting up, and stretching.

"Bye Finney, wait where's Robin? " I say

"Oh, he went home earlier. He said to tell you bye. "

"Oh okay, bye finn. " I say, and walk out the door.

Walking on the road at night was peaceful, but scary, with the grabber loose, and everything.

I pass a fence but look over and see Vance slouched in the dirt

"Vance? " I say.

I walk over to him.

"OMG, OMG. " I state as I see him. He has stab wounds.

I run to the house closest, and ask them to call 911.

I go back and try to stop the bleeding by cutting my shirt, and wrapping it around the wound as tight as I could.

A little later the ambulance shows up, and takes Vance. I go in the ambulance with him.

He might be a prick, but I still want to make sure he's okay.

When we get to the hospital they rush him away. What could've happened to him? Hes a amazing fighter he would have never let someone do that. Conscious that is.

I ask the front lady for the phone, and called finney.

"Finney, I'm at the hospital. " I say

"Wait what. Are you okay? " he says worried

"It's not me, just can you come here. I'm bored" I say

"Okay, okay, hold on. " he says

Later on Finney walks through the door. I run over to him, and hugged him.

"Wait happened? Who's in the hospital? " he asked

"It's Vance, and I know your probably confused, but I'll tell you the whole story. " I say

We sit down, and I explain everything.

"Hey miss, Vance is awake, you can see him you want. " a nurse says.

"Oh um sure. " I say

I walk into the back of the hospital where they keep the patients.

She told me room 216. So that's.. This one.

I open the big wooden door to see Vance on a bed half conscious.

He looks at me confused. Probably why I'm here.

"Hey Vance, please don't like jump out of your bed, and kill me. I've already almost died to many times this week. " I said, and he almost laughed? Did I just make Vance Hopper laugh over something not that funny.

"I found you... That's why I'm here. I know your probably confused. " I say

"Oh.. Thanks for helping me." He says

What. The. Fuck. Is Vance actually being nice right now or is he trying to trick me to kill me.

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