me gustas

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I wake up, and reach up to turn my alarm clock off only to not be able to move. I look over to see vance with his arm wrapped around me.

"Vance, Vance. " I say, lightly shaking him. He slowly opens his eyes. I smile at him.

"Vance, I have to get up I have school. " I say.

He moves his arm, and I get up walking to the bathroom. I get ready, and walk back to the room to see Vance standing there. He grabs my hand.

"We're walking to school together. " he says.

We sneak downstairs, and out the door past my step dad. We walk out side to see Finney, and Gwen. They both look at us confused when they see our Intwined hands.

"Hey guys. " I say

"Hey." They both respond.

"Can I talk to you y/n? " Gwen says. I nod, and walk with her away from Finney, and Vance.

"Are you dating Vance? " she ask suddenly.

"We havent really labeled it, why? " I ask.

"Whatever." She says before walking back over to the boys. What was that about. I walk back over, and we continue to school.

Me, and Vance walk into school hand in hand. Some look at us confused. Some glare. I couldn't care less. We walk into my first period, and sit down like we did yesterday.

I look over to see Robin staring at us with a sad look on his face. We lock eyes. I look away, and to the teacher. Why is he sad? That question stays in my head for the rest of my classes until we finally get to my lunch time.

I walk over and sit down where we sat yesterday. Everybody comes, and sits down with me. I look around.

"Where's Robin? " I ask.

"I haven't seen him since second period. " Finney says.

"I wasn't going to say anything because I didn't want to alarm any of you. " he continues.

"Finney, oh my god. " I say.

"What if the grabber got him. " Gwen says.

"The grabber didn't get him Gwen. " Finney says causing them to start fighting.

I start freaking out. What if the grabber did get him?

"Babe, the grabber didn't get him. This is Robin were talking about. He's probably just skiping class. " Vance says. I smile at him. He's probably right.

We continue through out our classes. Right after class I go to find Robin. He has to be somewhere.

"Where are we going? " Vance says from behind me.

"To find Robin. He's got to be somewhere. " I say.

"He's probably at home. " he says.

"You're right. Let's just go home. " I say.

We walk inside, and to my room.

"Can I take a shower? I like actually stink, and haven't showered in forever." Vance asks.

"Sure. I'll go steal some of my dad's clothes. " I say before going to my parents room, grabbing some clothes, and giving them to Vance. Vance goes to take a shower, and I lay down on my bed.

Suddenly the phone starts ringing. What the hell. I walk over to the phone, and pick it up, putting it to my ear.

"Hello? " I ask.

"Y/n, it's me Robin. " I hear.

"Oh my god Robin. Where have you been? " I question.

"I skipped class. I just needed to tell you something. " he says.

"You know you can tell me anything. What is it? " I ask.

"Me gustas.. " he says before hanging up.

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