robin stop fighting people in my book pls

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I put the phone back on the hook before walking over to my bed, and flopping onto it.

I pull out a book, and start reading it.I finally fall into a peaceful sleep after about 10 minutes.

I wake up, and get up to do my usual morning routine. I finally get done doing my routine. I grab my bag, and walk out.

"If you late again I'll beat your ass. " my step dad calls from the living room.

I close the door, and speed walk to the Blake's house. When I finally get there I knock on the door. It finally opens revealing finney, and Gwen.

"Hey y/n. You ready to go? " Gwen asks.

"Yeah, let's go. " I say, and we all stark walking to school. We do this everyday. It's makes us feel better walking to school together, and not alone.

We get to school finally only to see a crowd of people gathered around two people. The crowd is chanting fight. Not again. I run over to the crowd, and push my way to the front along with Gwen.

When I finally get to the front I see robin, and a random guy I've never seen before.

"I'm going to beat the shit out of you, and take your girlfriend you scrawny bitch. " the random guy says.

This is just like the fight with moose. Do they just say the same thing each fight?

"Do it then. " robin says, but before the guy can do anything robin punches him in the nose.

"GET HIS ASS ROBIN. " me, and Gwen both chant. I didn't know a lot about robin, but I'm still going to root for him.

The other guy kicks robin in the balls. That has to hurt like hell. Robin keeps standing though. Robin kicks him in the stomach, and grabs him by the back of the head only to slam his face into his knee.

Me, and Gwen are still rooting for robin. Shouting things like kick his ass or you go robin every few seconds.

Finally robin gets on top of him, and keeps punching him until he's satisfied. He gets up, and walks up to me, and Gwen.

"Thanks for the support ladies. " he says, and walks away. What the fuck.

I see Finn following robin. Gwen looks at me before following after finney. I walk up to Gwen, and start walking with her.

"You know, you, and robin would make a cute couple. " she says.

I start blushing. I try to hide it, but fail miserably.

"I don't like robin like that, and he would never like me. " I say.

"Whatever." She says before catching up to finney. I sprint to catch up only to not find either of them. What the fuck they just turned a corner, and disappeared. Whatever.

I walk to my first period, and sit down. The teacher comes in a few minutes later, and starts talking.

I have been doodling in my notebook the whole fifteen minutes ive been I'm this class.

At about thirty minutes into the class the bell rings signifying someone opened the door. I look over at the door to see Vance. What the fuck.

He walks over, and sits down beside me.

"Hey." I say

"Hey." He says back.

"What the fuck are you doing here? Didn't you get a week off for like relaxation or something? " I question.

"I wanted to come see you. Is that so wrong? " he says causing me to blush.

My brain really needs to make up its mind, and decide if I like Vance or robin.

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