fighting. again?

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I wake up to my alarm. I get up, and get dressed, do my hair, and brush my teeth.

I go downstairs, and grab a random snack to eat on the way to school.

I walk out of the house, and down the road to the Blake's house.

I meet up with gwen, and Finney. We all start walking.

"Is Vance doing better? " Finney says.

"Oh yeah, he's doing better. He told me the story of what happened to him last night. " I say. Gwen grins.

"Does y/n have a crush on Vance? " she teases.

"No! " I say trying to defend myself.

"Sure." She says as we walk in the doors of school.

I go to my locker, and grab my books. I still don't know why we need to carry around a whole bunch of books. It's dumb.

"Hey y/n" I turn around only to see Bruce.

"Oh um hey. " I say.

"Can we not let what happened at the movie ruin our friendship. " he says.

"Yeah yeah, of course. " I say trying to just get to class.

Bruce walks off, and to his class.

I walk to my first period only to see a group of girls staring at me.

What the fuck is their problem.

I walk to my seat wishing Vance was here so I could talk to him.

The teacher walks in causing me to look up front.

We learn about some kind of chemicals, and there reactions to each other the whole class.

Finally the bell rings. I grab all my belongings, and start walking out of the classroom.

I round the corner, and randomly get pushed into a closet.

I look around only to see the group of girls that were staring at me.

"Listen here you slut. You're going to stay away from Vance. I heard about you finding him. He's mine, and if you don't stay away from him I'll make your life living hell. " the main girl says.

I'm about to knock this bitch out.

I swing at her only for her to move out of the way. What the fuck.

She slaps me. I knee her in the stomach. She goes to hold her stomach, and I punch her causing her to fall.

The other girl punches me. I grab my nose where she punched me only to feel blood. This bitch.

I grab her by her hair, and punch her. She yelps, and the other girl puts me in a headlock.

I kick her in the crouch hoping she'd get off me. She falls to the ground.

The main girl gets up, and grabs my leg making me fall.

She gets on top of me, and punches me repeatedly. I pass out halfway through her punching me.

I wake up still in the closet, but the girls are gone. My head starts pounding. I wince.

I stand up, and walk out of the closet only for the hallway to be empty.

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