helping a friend out

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I wake up, and do my usual routine.

I go out the door only to see the black van parked across the street. What the fuck. I sprint to Gwen and finneys house.

I knock on the door repeatedly. Their dad opens the door.

"What the hell do you- oh y/n theyre still getting ready come in. " he says.

I walk to gwens room, and knock on the door.

"Come in. " I hear. I open the door to see Gwen fixing her hair.

"Hey y/n" Gwen says.

"Hey." I say, and walk over to help Gwen. I fix her hair, and smile.

"You look amazing gwenny. " I say.

"Thank you y/n. Let's go. I think Finney is done by now. " she says.

We walk over to the front door to see Finney there.

"Finally." He says, and opens the door. Luckily the black van had left.

When we finally got to school I walk to my first period with Finney saying my goodbyes to Gwen.

We walk in, and sit down in our respected seats.

The teacher walks in and starts teaching.

Suddenly the door to the classroom opens revealing robin with his hands bloody. What the fuck.

He comes in a sits down. I look over at him only to see him staring back at me. I quickly look away.

The teacher goes on, and on about science.

Finally the bell rings as I roll my eyes, and stand up, grabbing all my stuff.

I walk over to robin.

"Do you need help cleaning up your hands. As a thanks for helping me yesterday. " I say

"Sure." He says, and follows me to the bathroom.

I grab my first aid kit out of my backpack.

"Wash your hands first. " I say, and he nods, and starts washing off the blood.

"What happened? Did you get in another fight. " I say.

"Yeah. It was lan he was talking shit about Finney. " he says

I grab his right hand, and started cleaning it.

"He honestly needed to get his shit rocked. He's such a bitch. " I say before wrapping up his hand, and grabbing the other one.

"Yeah" he simply says.

I finally finish, and smile at him.

"Done." I say

"Thanks y/n." He says before walking out.

I stand there for a moment before grabbing my bag, and going to second period.

I sat beside Finney in second period.

"Hey Finney. " I said as I sit down.

"Hey y/n. Where were you? " Finney says.

"Oh, I was helping robin wrap his hands. He got lan pretty good I'm guessing. " I say.

We both just talk about random things the whole class, not listening to the teacher.

The bell rings finally. Me, and Finney both stand up, and grab our bags.

We both start walking out together until I'm suddenly pushed into a wall. I look up to see the girl that beat me up.

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