dont fw vance

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I wake up to see Vance beside me, I smile, and get up. .

"Vance babe get up. " I say, shaking him, and he finally does 5 trys later.

It's Saturday, maybe we can go to the arcade, or to the grab n' go so Vance can play his stupid pinball game.

I get up, and do my morning routine. I walk into my room to see Vance in his outfit from the other day.

I grab his hand, and walk out the door.

"What do you wanna do today? " I question.

"Maybe pinball. " he says, of course.

"Okay." I say before heading towards the grab n' go.

We walk in, and over to the pinball machine. Vance quickly starts gaining his high score back, until someone bumps into the pinball machine. Well shit.

Vance grabs him by his shirt, and punches him.

"You made me lose my high score you bitch. " he says. The guy gets free from his hold and Scurries away.

"Come here bitch. " Vance says, before grabbing the guy by the back of his shirt, and slamming his head into his knee.

I sit there watching in actual shock. Holy fuck. What do I do? I've never seen someone fight that wasn't Robin. Do I record?

The next thing I know a guy is coming at Vance with a knife, but Vance knocks it out of his hands, and punching him. Once he's done with that guy he grabs the knife holding it to the guys arm.

I grab Vance by his collar. Pulling him away, as I hear police sirens heading towards us.

"Vance, stop, we got to go. " I say before grabbing his hand, and running towards my house. Once we get in my room I turn towards him.

"Vance please explain to me what the fuck I just witnessed. " I say. I am dating the toughest guy in school what did I expect. Vance will literally beat you to a pulp if you even look at him wrong.

"He deserved it. " he mumbled before going to the bathroom, and washing his knuckles.

I lay down on my bed on my back. This is just great.

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