the carnival

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I wake up at my usual time, and do my routine before walking out the door, saying goodbye to my step dad who just slurred some random words to me.

I walk down the side walk. I'm used to walking with Vance. I walk over to Robin, and Gwen. I see Gwen's eye brow knot up in confusion.

"Where's Vance? " she asks, as we start walking side by side.

"Oh he's just at his dads house. " I say. I mean it wasn't a lie.

She nods, and we continue our walk. Finally getting to school after a ten minute walk. I hear the bell ring, so I walk to my locker grab my stuff, and head to my first period.

I sit down, and look over to not see Vance. He's probably just skipping or late I tell myself so I don't freak out.

When class is over I walk over to Finney.

"Hey Finn, have you seen Vance, or Robin? " I ask.

"No, I haven't. Why? " he says in a confused tone.

"Oh it's nothing. Thanks. " I say, walking away.

I walk to my second period, and sit down. I look around, only to not see Vance. The bell rings, and the teacher starts talking.

Fifteen minutes into the lesson the door opens, and in walks Vance. Finally. He walks over to his seat, and sits down.

When school is over I walk over to Vance.

"Hey Vance. " I say.

"Hey." He says.

"You know I'm not mad at you right? " I say.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. " he says, and I smile at him, before grabbing his hand.

"You know the carnival is in town today, and my younger self always wanted to bring my boyfriend to the carnival.. " I say.

"Are you trying to ask me to go to the carnival with you? " he says, looking over at me.

"If you will then yes. " I say

"I guess we're going then. " he says.

We walk to the carnival. It was only a five minute walk. Something about wanting to have the carnival next to the school or something so it's easier for kids to go to.

We walk in hand in hand. We walk over to the ticket booth, and get what we need.

"We need to go on that ride, right now. " I say, dragging him along.

"Nope, no way. " he says.

"Aw, is Vance scared of a roller coaster? " I ask.

"No" he says.

"Okay then, come on. " I say, causing him to mumble random profanities.

"Never, never again. " he says, as we get off the ride. I look over to see his curly blonde hair messed up. I reach over, and fix his hair, causing him to flush red.

"It wasn't that bad. " I say.

"It was that bad. " he says. We continue argueing for a while playing random games.

"Oh my god. We should go on the bumper cars. " I say.

We get on the bumper cars opposite of each other.

"1, 2, 3, go. " the random guy, who look dead inside says, causing everyone to start bumping into each other.

Was it the best idea to put someone with major anger issues like Vance on a bumper car with a bunch of ten year olds? No.

I bump into random people. I look over to see Vance running into a random child. I laugh a little. I make my way over to Vance, getting bumped into on the way there.

I slam my car into Vance. Vance looks up, looking ready to kill me, but his gaze softens when he realizes it's me.

We ram our cars into each other for a while, until the guy blows his whistle making us stop. Vance gets up, and puts his hand out for me to grab. I grab his hand, and stand up.

"Oh my god, we should go on the ferriswheel. " I say.

"No, no, no. I have a reputation to uphold, and that doesn't include riding Ferris wheels. " he says.

"Pleaseee." I say.

He rolls his eyes, and let's me drag him to the Ferris wheel. We wait in line until we finally get on.

"And we can see the sunset. " I say.

"I may seem like it, but I'm not dumb. I can see that. " he says, grumpy much.

We start going upwards.

"You know, if you would've told me a year ago id be sitting on a Ferris wheel with Vance Hopper, Who I'm DATING. I would not believe you. " I say, looking over at Vance.

"I could say the same thing about you. " he says.

We finally reach the top.

"You know, most people kiss when they make it to the top. " I say.

"Are you trying to ask me to kiss you? " he questions, jokingly.

"Maybe." I say.

He put his hand on my cheek, and leans in. We kiss. His lips are soft, but chapped. It was nice. We have kissed before, but this was different.

He pulls away, and smiles at me.

We finally get off, and we start walking back. We finally get to my house.

"Bye y/n." He says before pecking me on the lips. I walk to the door, and walk in. I lock the door, and walk upstairs. I lay down, thinking about the kiss. I fall asleep. If I had a dream about the kiss that's between you, and me.

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