Alpha's Claim 14

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Alpha's Claim-Maybe you should just Fall.

I looked up towards Derrick trying to pull away but he held me tighter within his arms. I wiped the tears away,"Derrick please let me go."I said but it sounded like there was a double meanings.

"But Hazel I like you a lot."He said letting me pull back enough to look at his face.

I wanted to believe him. I wanted to like him but soon everyone would meet their mate. I could meet my mate. His coffee colored eyes looked into mine before he lowered his lips towards mine. I could feel his hot breath fanning my lips before I turned my head at the last second letting him kiss my cheek instead.

"Hazel."He whispered, his face contorted into one of pain, one of rejection.

"I'm sorry Derrick."I said pulling from his embrace as he let his arms slip from my shoulders before walking away from him.

I sat against the lockers looking at Liam who came out of nowhere."You shouldn't have lead him on."

"What?"I asked confused because I had never lead on Chris.

"Derrick."He elaborated,"I'm not as oblivious as you think. I mean you are my twin after all."

I sighed wondering if he knew everything meaning if he knew I had been with Derrick sexually."I didn't lead him on."

He gave me a look,"You don't know how much he really likes you Haze."

"So what happened with Melissa?"I asked changing the subject about me and onto Liam.

He sighed,"She's pregnant."

"Are you sure it's yours?"I asked feeling bad that he would soon find his mate and he would have to tell her that he got another girl pregnant.

"She's not like that. She wouldn't blame me just for the hell of it."He sighed,"But we will get a paternity test since she wants to be sure."

"How far along is she?"

"Two months."

"Three months left."I said my eyes widening.

"Yeah. How am I going to explain it to mom and dad? To my mate?"He said sitting next to me."Do you think Chris and you are over?"

"Most likely."I said resting my head across his shoulder as we stayed in that position thinking before the bell rang.

When school was over I decided I would go to Chris' room to talk to him since I knew he wouldn't come to me to talk and he hasn't even answered me the times I have called him. The SUV pulled into the pack house but Chris wasn't with us because he had already left. I assumed he was already at the pack house. I walked through the front door and to Chris' room. I was stunned at what I found when I opened the door, some girl was on top of Chris and they were both naked.

"Is this how you break up with me?"I asked watching Chris push the girl off, a face filled with regret.

"Hazel."I looked away before shutting the door. I went to the one person I knew I shouldn't but he took my mind off things by his body and touches. I went to Derrick.

"Hazel what's wrong?"Derrick asked once I had stepped into his room.

"Cheating. Chris."I said leaning against the door, those two words being the only things that needed to be said.

"I'm going to kill him-"Derrick fumed before I kissed him suddenly knowing this was wrong.

"Hazel."He said sighing.

"Just feel don't think."I said running my hands up his chest to his shoulders. He pushed his hips into mine backing me up against the door while clicking the lock into place. I wrapped my legs around his waist as his mouth claimed mine in a breath taking kiss.

My core ached as he cupped me through my pants, wanting his shaft to fill me already. His breath fanned heavily in my ear as I kissed and licked down his neck.

"I like you Hazel."He said taking his shirt off before tossing me on the bed as he got on top of me but I quickly rolled under and on top of him.

I didn't respond as I ran my hands across his abs tracing them before licking them causing him to shiver.

"You taste good but I bet you taste even better here."I said putting my hands in his pants grabbing his shaft between my hand pumping him making his back arch from the bed.

"Fuck!"He cursed biting his lip with his eyes closed. As I laid on top of him I had to admire his beauty. He was magnificent.

I undid his jean button before sliding off his boxers while taking my time. I saw the look of frustration on his face as I ran my thumb against the tip that was leaking precum.

"Hazel please!"He cried in frustration. I smiled at him before taking him into my mouth as he moaned loudly gripping my hair.

I moved my tongue slowly against his shaft making a grunt escape his lips. He grabbed my hair roughly before setting a rough but good pace. Suddenly I was on my back as he took off my pants and panties.

"Condom."I reminded him.

He grabbed one from the dresser putting it on before aligning his shaft with my core.I closed my eyes at the pain since I hadn't been with anyone besides Derrick.

I didn't have sex with Chris, I just couldn't. It just seemed normal to have sex with Derrick. Like I said, no feelings were needed to have sex.

Derrick discarded my shirt grabbing my arms over my head keeping my hands in his hold as his body went between my legs.

His thrust were long and powerful as he held my hands restricting me access towards touching his body. Within an hour we were both close to finding our release as his muscles tensed and my body shook with pleasure.

Once we where done I waited a good forty-five minutes before searching for my clothes. I rolled out quietly from the sheets gathering my clothes and putting them on.

I walked out of the room frozen by who was in front if me since I still had sex hair. The Luna and Alpha.

I cleared my throat awkwardly closing the door quietly behind me before running my hands through my hair."Alpha. Luna."

There was no mistaking what I had been doing in Derrick's room seeing as his scent was on me enough to know we were intimate.

"Hazel."The Alpha smiled at me as the Luna also did. My cheeks were flushed with embarrassment.


I looked around at the decorations. It was surreal. Everyone was in their homes since tonight at twelve o'clock would be the Mate Recognition ceremony.

I looked at my phone seeing the missed calls and unread messages from Derrick and Chris. I put the phone in the desk cabinet not bothering to read them since the ceremony would begin soon. It would officially start at eleven o'clock.

I didn't dress extravagant because I wasn't in the mood to look nice right now so all I wore was a mint t-shirt that flowed and black shorts that made my legs look long. I actually dreading this ceremony. I probably wouldn't go and instead go to the mountains that connected to the land.

A bell like chime sounded throughout the territory letting us know it was our time to make an appearance at the ceremony. My super hearing detected many people making their way towards the pack house but I didn't. I could hear Liam leaving already which made me glad. I hoped his mate wouldn't be so harsh since everyone makes mistakes. I was glad the ceremony wasn't mandatory to attend since it was only suggested so one could meet their mate. 

I laid down on my bed, putting ear phones in my ear listening to music as I thought of all my friends finding their mates.

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