Alpha's Claim 7

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"What's wrong with you?"

I looked back at McKenzie startled, "What?"

"I said what's wrong with you? you've been looking over your shoulder since we got to school."

"Nothing, It's- nothing."I sighed looking away. For a second, I thought she was talking about how I walked. I was very sore from the other night.

Why did I have to sleep with him? He's so good looking but damn why did he have to be Alpha and Liam's best friend. I'm never going to be able to be Derrick's mates friend because I slept with him. She might never know but I'll feel bad.

I don't regret having sex with him it's just kind of feels like im one of the many girl he has slept with. I don't expect to be special or want to go out with him but it just feels like I'm 'one of them'.

After waking up, he was still asleep so I slipped out without waking him up. I didn't wait for him to wake up because I'm sure it would of been awkward.

I was just about to speak again when I saw Derrick from my peripheral vision walking towards the small hallway that he was soon bound to pass us in.

My eyes connected with his coffee colored eyes. I turned swiftly avoiding his gaze. I hope he doesn't talk about what happened. Mckenzie grabbed my arm leading us to the nearest exit.

"Okay spill, did something happen between you and Derrick?"She demanded eyeing me. She knew we didn't get along...but she had no idea.

I put my forehead on the wall,"I had sex with your brother."

She started laughing but stopped when she saw I was serious."What?"

"Friday night."I explained, as the was all that was needed to explain.

"Did he force you?"she asked seriously.

"God no, but if sex is like that, I wouldn't mind having another round with him."

"Eww, please spare the details, that's my brother."she looked at me worriedly,"Hazel he's a player I don't think-"

I laughed, running my hands through my hair,"You don't think I know? I honestly don't care."

She looked at me suspiciously but didn't say anything as we walked to class.

"See you,"I waved to McKenzie as I walked to my locker to get my book then to Mr. Lyman's class.

I was walking to class when I felt myself being dragged into the janitors closet. I was about to scream or kick or do something when the familiar voice spoke.

"It's me."he whispered in my ear, causing the hairs on my neck to stand up and goose bumps to spread across my skin in a good way.

"Let me go."

"Promise you won't leave."

"Okay."I sighed frustrated .

"About Friday-"

I interrupted him,"Just forget about it."


"I said just forget about it."

"We could have a relationship."I stared at Derrick incredulously. What happened to the boy who just humped and dumped?

"Uhm do you know what today is?"

He frowned,"Obviously, it's the nineteenth of February."

"You're meeting your mate next month."

He grabbed a piece of my golden blonde hair at the tips twisting it between his fingers stepping closer leaving no room between us pressing his lips against my neck"I want you."

I let out a quiet breathy moan feeling his tongue making patterns on my skin."Derrick stop."

My actions betrayed my mind when I lifted one hand running it in his soft chestnut hair and my other hand under his shirt touching his abs, tracing them.

Images of Friday flashed in my mind when he pressed me up against the wall. I heard him groan when I pulled his hair as he sucked on my collarbone.

"Stop,"I breath out, pushing his away with my hands on his chest.

He pulled me back towards him, leaning towards my ear,"I want to be inside you."

I looked away flushed becoming slightly aroused. I stuttered,"I have to go."

I took off down the walking to Mr. Lyman's class. I opened the door as everyone turned to see who was coming in. I went to my desk ignoring the looks. Oh shit Liams in here along with Chris and...Derrick.

"Glad you could join us Ms. Phillips,"Mr Lyman said writing a calculus problem down.

"Glad to be here."I said sarcastically.

"Ms. Phi-"he didn't finish his sentence when Derrick strode in taking a seat next to Liam.

"Mr. Matthews-"

"Mr. Lyman."Derrick retorted. I watched Derricks challenging look.

"Class turn to page 285 in your textbooks."he said turning away as Derrick sat there looking like he didn't have a care in the world.

I have to admit, Derrick looked really good today. His hair was messed up but in a way that made it look sexy like he ran his hand through his brown hair or maybe that was me. His jean covered legs where long and strong. He had a black shirt with a leather jacket on.

He looked too good if I say so myself.

"Ms. Phillips, Is there a problem?"

"No?"I said more like a question, turning away from Derrick. The class passed on without a hitch.

Classes passed on and finally the bell rang signaling the end of class. I walked to the SUV but didn't notice until it was too late Derrick and Tiffany kissing on the car door. I turned around by the head of the car waiting for Liam to come. I heard her moan loud and was getting annoyed. Could she be any louder, but then again whores had no boundaries.

I saw Liam as he unlocked the door his friends trailing behind him. I sat in the passenger seat, putting on my earphones blocking out the noises as Tiffany jumped in the car with Derrick sucking each others faces off.

I felt my earphones being ripped out of my ears as Liam looked at me. What did I do now?

"Are you seriously going to the dance with Austin?"


"He already has a girlfriend."

"I didn't know."I said. I didn't know he had a girlfriend. I would have never said yes to someone who has a girlfriend. I got, my phone and texted Austin that I couldn't go with him because he already had a girlfriend.

"You should go with me to the dance?"Chris suggested.

I looked at Liam."Please, would you lend me one of your boyfriends?"

That comment all earned protest of being my brothers boyfriend. I laughed as I thought of one of them actually being boyfriends, that'd be a sight to see.


"Aw come on, Chris is the hottest and I want to win hottest couple"I joked winking at Chris who just chuckled.

My comment earned another round of protest."Guys you guys are all hot but I like blonde hair and blue eyes and I couldn't chose between Andrew and Jason."

My brother gave me a warning look as I looked back seeing Derricks face. He looked mad but I couldn't care less because not even seconds ago he was sucking that Tiffany's face.

We arrived at the house when my brother spoke,"Okay."

"Yes."I said wrapping my arms around Liam. I looked at Chris whispering jokingly,"Wear something hot."

He chuckled along with the rest of the guys. Chris seems like a good choice for a boyfriend. Maybe I should get tied down, date him, it would be a good decision but then again I never made good decisions.


Which cover is better? The girl and guy or just the girl?

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