Alpha's Claim 12

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My lips skimmed across his muscular chest placing open mouth kisses. My lips were at his six pack as my fingers grabbed his waistband.

I pulled his pants and boxers down until his cock sprang out, grabbing his cock as he hissed in pleasure. I raised my hazel eyes looking in to his black ones. His face was flushed as he laid back on his elbows with me in the middle of his legs. I ran my finger down the length as he moaned thrusting his hips to meet my hands.

I grabbed a hold of his cock pumping it with precum at the tip glistening. I wanted to taste. I brought my head down taking him fully in mouth gagging at his size.

I bobbed my head, moaning at the taste. I brought my head up and off his cock as I licked the entire thing. I opened my eyes watching his face turn to immense pleasure with his eyes closed and mouth parted.

"Fuck me!"I moaned, going up to his face kissing him on the lips moaning again when his mouth sucked on my tounge.

He flipped positions as he kissed my lips letting his hands wander my body. My body was always alive with him. I moaned as he hooked his finger in my shorts touching my hips and legs except the place I wanted to be touched at. I moaned as he sucked on my nipple sticking a finger deep inside my core. I moaned from the pain and pleasure mixed in one.

"You're so tight baby."he moaned caressing my hip with his free hand.

I whispered his name a withering mess, begging and pleading just by saying his name. I didn't know what I was begging for but he knew.

He parted my legs more kissing the inside of my thighs. I couldn't take the playing around any longer I wanted him now.

I moaned grabbing at the sheets as he lined himself up with my core.

He pushed in slowly expanding my walls that clenched around him.

"I'm sorry babe."he said kissing my lips as he pushed in more.

"It's fine."I breathed out.

"Want me to move?"

"Yes."I said becoming annoyed, but all the annoyance fled when I felt him moving slowly but surely pleasurable.

"Yes!"I repeated but for a whole different reason as he grabbed my hips thrusting harder. His thrust were slow but hard.

I felt overwhelmed with lust and pleasure as he thrusted faster and harder.


I was shaken awake and looked up at a smirking Derrick,"Wouldn't want you boyfriend waking up to you moaning my name."

I didn't register what he said but when I did tears fell from my eyes from anger and embarrassment. I wiped my eyes hoping Derrick wouldn't notice but he did.

"Hazel I'm sorry."He said truly looking concerned.

"Just leave me the fuck alone."I said making sure Chris didn't wake up. I don't even know how Derrick had came into the room.

He left the room quietly but not before staring at me for a long time. I didn't look his way feeling mad. I couldn't believe I had a dream about Derrick when I'm laying right next to my boyfriend.

I laid back down wrapping my arms around Chris pressing my face against his bare chest.

I haven't finish retyping it but here since you guys been asking Wattpad had been weird.

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