Alpha's Claim 15

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Alpha's Claim-My Alpha

"Hazel wake up!"Liam said shaking me awake. I got up rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"Did you find your mate? Is she pretty"I asked him but frowned watching him grimace.

"Well I found my mate."

"That's great!?"I questioned seeing the look on his face.

"She wants nothing to do with me. It's Maddison."I laughed seeing as Maddison was the daughter of the head warrior. She was tough and I knew she'd be the perfect match for Liam.

"Don't laugh!"He frowned pulling at his hair.

"I'm sorry. It's just surprising that's all."I said hiding my laughter.

"I wish finding my mate had been happy like moms and dads."He sighed.

"Yeah but you have already gotten another girl pregnant while dad didn't."

"I know. I'm determined to fight for her because mates are given for a reason."

"That's true. Have you told mom and dad yet?"

"Yeah and they also know I got Melissa pregnant. They're happy I found my mate but upset I got another girl pregnant."

"Tough cookies."I laughed shooing him out so I could get ready for school. Many people didn't come the day after because they found their mate and mated or they didn't come because they were sad they didn't find them.

"Did Chris find his mate?"

Liam stayed quit,"Yeah it's Ashley."

"That's cool."I said wanting to ask him another question but fearing the answer.

"Derrick didn't find his mate."Unconsciously my body relaxed at hearing his answer.

"What about the twins?"I asked.

Liam stiffened and his voice hardened,"No."

I narrowed my eyes, what kind of response was that?

"What about Marcus?"

"Nah."He said shrugging his shoulders, his voice going back to it's original tone. What's going on here, he was alright until I mentioned the twins?

*  *  *

I buttoned up the black satin trench coat fixing the blue butterfly scarf and fixing my boots on as I grabbed my bag. It was very chilly outside and I loved the weather. I walked into  Mr. Lymans class aware of Chris' gaze on me but I held no malice towards him finding his mate. I was happy that he found his mate first and I was sincere in my declarations.

I sat in my original seat barely noticing that Maddison and Melissa were in the class. Mr. Lyman began to speak but half the class was already asleep with the way he taught. I raised my hand as he glared at me,"What Ms. Phillips?"

"Can I go to the restroom?"

"Yes."He sighed annoyed. I just smiled at him not phased.

I got out of the classroom making my way towards the bathroom but as I walked in a girl walked out with a blush spread across her face and she kept moving her head back and forth as to say no. I walked inside the bathroom and was shocked as I felt a pull-like feeling surrounding my body. There stood Derrick and Tiffany  on the counter having sex. I guess Derrick could feel the pull because he looked but by that time I had already turned around and was exiting the bathroom.

I heard Derrick curse as he stumbled behind me but I continued on walking to Mr. Lyman's class. I opened the door slamming it in Derricks face when he called my name.

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