Alpha's Claim 6

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{Mature Content}

          Wednesday and Thursday passed on slow but Friday had finally arrived and I was ready to go to the party. I was going to the party for a purpose.

Liam and I argued about the party but in the end I won because I told him we where both soon going to be eighteen.

I walked up the steps to my room not finding anyone home. I took an hour shower, dried and curled my hair. I changed into a dark pink dress with a zipper in the front that ran from top to bottom with black heels.

By the time I was finished it was already ten o'clock. I locked the house up as I went to my car driving to the pack house. When I arrived everyone was already dancing and having fun. I made my way to the island that was turned into a makeshift bar. I poured myself glasses of strong liquor hoping to at least get buzzed.

"Slow down,"A deep familiar voice said behind me. I turned to see Derrick sitting in the stool next to mine.

I took another gulp of my drink, letting it burn my throat. Werewolves didn't get drunk easy so it was like drinking water with a slight burn.

"Where's Liam?"I asked already knowing the answer.

"He's with some girl upstairs."he commented, watching everyone dance.

I took another shot glass, another two times, before I felt a hand on my arm stopping me from throwing back my fourth one.

"Slow down."



I pulled the cup to my lips and he pulled the cup away,"Seriously."

"Lighten up."I laughed picking my dress up from the neckline. Derrick looked at me when I pulled it up and flushed red."What? I'm pretty sure you've seen breast before."

"What I- I"

"Shh?"I said putting my finger on his lips, shoving my drink towards his face,"Drink."

"Classy,"he said sarcastically.

"Thanks."I said giving him a smile,"Dance with me?"

"What?"He asked as choked on his drink.

"Dance with me."I said pulling him into a dark corner. I was daring and I wanted him...just for a night. He was annoying but he could be sweet

I backed him into the corner under of the stairs wrapping my arms around his shoulders. He stiffened at first from shock then pulled me closer. I was moving at a sensual rhythm when I felt him crash his lips against mine.

This kiss was...dare I say...good. He groaned as our tongues entwined together. His hands rested on my butt pushing me up higher as I wrapped my legs as best as I could with a dress on.

He put his hands on the back of my thighs pushing me up higher as he started walking. I didn't notice where we were walking to until I noticed it was his room after he turned the lights on.

He laid me on the bed taking his shirt off climbing on the bed as he hovered over me. I ran my fingers over his six pack as he kissed on my neck to my collarbone. His lips trailed lower as he raised his coffee colored eyes to mine silently asking permission to go lower. I nodded my head as he grabbed the zipper by my breast zipping it all the way down exposing my bare chest as the dress had a built-in bra and no underwear.

He groaned closing his eyes as he reopened them having black onyx eyes. I wonder why his wolf was trying to come out? I didn't have much time to dwell on it when I felt his hot mouth on my breast. I gripped the sheets as his mouth work on my breast like a expert. I was so much in ecstasy I didn't notice his face by my core until his hot breath was fanning over.

"I've waited so long,"he mumbled to himself grabbing my legs on his shoulder as his mouth was on my core. I gasped at the feeling gripping the sheets harder.

"Derrick,"I moaned as he continued his assault on my core. He groaned causing a vibration sensation throughout my core.

I moved my legs from his shoulder as I got on my knees on the bed.  I took his pants off half way but he was sitting down so he took them off watching my reaction as he pulled off his boxer that sat dangerously on his hips.

He sat back down on the bed as I looked at his shaft. I licked my lips as I saw precum leak from the tip taking his shaft in my mouth. It was different, not bad...just different.

"Fuck! Yes!"he muttered grabbing my blonde hair in his hands, pulling slightly.

I sucked on his shaft pulling it out of my mouth as I placed kisses on it. I ran my tongue from the bottom to the top taking it in my mouth again. His shaft hit the back of my throat and I'm guessing he liked it as he moaned, breathing out my name.

"Oh, fuck!"He moaned as cum came out with one final thrust of his hips. I looked at him not knowing what to do with it.

He watched me, commanding me,"Swallow."

I swallowed looking at him as I laid back down waiting for the real pleasure to come. His lips came down on mine in a dominating kiss."Are you sure?"

"Yeah,"I confirmed in a breathy moan. My eyes widened,"Condom."

He grabbed a condom from his drawer slipping it on. I felt his shaft by my entrance. I felt a sting as his shaft went in. Fuck, that hurt! Tears sprung to my eyes as I wiped them away.

"It's okay."he said kissing my lips. He didn't move as he just waited for me to adjust. It took a minutes before the pain finally disappeared. I accidentally moved my hips as he groaned.

"Do it again, your so tight!"He ordered as I moved my hips again causing him to moan.

Our hips moving in synchronization as he moved faster and harder. It felt so good, I now know why guys have sex a lot.

"So-"he said breathy.

"Don't talk!"I ordered. If he talked he was just going to ruin the experience. He was hot and when he talked he was just annoying. I felt my stomach tightening as I came, he followed soon after.

We laid on the bed satisfied, breathing heavily. My eyes closed on their own accord as I felt Derrick's hand over my waist.

.... I feel in love for a night....


{Song for this; Lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off
- Panic! at the disco. }

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