Alpha's Claim 11

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*not edited*

2 weeks later

-Hazel's POV-

"Hello Luna. Alpha."I bowed my head looking at both.

"Hello Hazel, I remember when you were little but now your all grown up getting more beautiful than ever."I blushed at the Alphas complement.

"Thank you Alpha."

"Hazel, Jonathan and Nicole to you."The Luna said smiling giving me a hug.

Since my mom and the Luna are best friends, I have the Luna's name as my middle name and McKenzie has my moms name as her middle name.

"Did your mom send you here or?"

"Oh! I wanted to help with the pups first shift tonight."I turned towards Alpha Jonathan,"If I may?"

The Alpha studied me intently before a wide smile spread across his face."Of course Hazel. You're always welcome."

I smiled at him before looking back at the Luna,"Can I help with the lunch."

"Of course dear."She said telling me to lead the way to the refrigerator. The Alpha and Luna shared a look of wonder and curiosity before breaking contact.

The Alpha gave me one last smile before going out the door while the Luna and I got to work preparing the lunch.

We were fifteen minutes into preparing lunch when the Luna went to the pantry and Derrick arrived.

"What smells good?"

"The food."I replied looking around the corner to see if the Luna was coming.

"Or it's your-"

"Derrick."I warned looking around.

"You know I will always be your first. I know you love my touches, my caresses, my body against yours."

I felt my cheeks heat up."Stop talking!"

"It's true."he said a satisfied smirk on his face.

"Is that why I'm going out with Chris?"I asked annoyed that he believed everyone and everything revolved around him.

He ignored me."Your body calls and responds to my touches."

"Be quiet. Whatever was going on between us is over."I said looking around for the Luna.

He was going to say something else when his mom showed up."Hey honey did you need something?"

"No mom,"he said kissing her on her cheek,"I'm just seeing what your doing."

"Oh okay. Would you like to help us with the pups first shift? You could be Hazel's partner tonight."

I kept a smile on my face but in reality I was glaring at him telling him to say no.

"Well I don't know...only if Hazel wants me to?"He said looking at me with an innocent expression when he was anything but innocent.

"Of course."I said smiling at him when I really just wanted to kill him."Whoever is a friend of Liam is a friend of mine."

He flinched and gave me a look like 'really.'We haven't really talked since gym class and I've been hanging out with busy trying to focus on school.

We served lunch as everyone made their way to the table. I sat down by Chris while Derrick sat on the other side of me.

Chris smiled at me squeezing my thigh, kissing my temple. I smiled looking at him as Liam laughed."Whipped!"

I blushed looking at Chris who gave me the biggest smile I've ever seen.

"I didn't know you guys were dating." the Alpha questioned.

"Yeah we've been dating for two weeks." I said smiling at the Alpha.

He smiled at us but the air seemed to tense but I shook it off as nothing.


"I'm so tired."I whined rolling over laying on top of Chris."Who knew cooking and helping the pups shift could take a lot of energy."

Chris laughed swiping his tongue on my bottom lip as I giggled."Stop it weirdo!"

"Hey Chris do you have a cond-"Derrick stopped mid-sentence noticing I was in here. I blushed at being caught in this position when we weren't doing anything as I got off of Chris. I felt like I was cheating on Derrick even though we've never gone out.

"Here."Chris said reaching in his dresser grabbing a condom and handing it to Derrick.

"Thanks."Derrick said grabbing the condom."Sup Hazel."

"Hey."I greeted noticing there was awkward silence.

"Well bye."Derrick said leaving out the room but not before sparing me one last glance.

"You guys good now?"I asked Chris, wanting to find out why they fought.

"What? Oh- yeah. We talked about it."

"Oh."I said snuggling into his chest wanting to stay forever here."Is it weird that I could stay like this forever."

"No because I could too."He said kissing my lips with so much passion, I was left breathless.

"I like you a lot."

"Me too."His smile widened, pulling me on his lap to straddle him.

I let my eyes slowly shut hearing the steady beat of his heart, laying my head on his chest feeling his body heat my body. I didn't want to rush things between us.

"Chris- oh my hello Hazel. I just have to take a picture."I heard her say as my eyes closed hearing a snap.

I didn't want the Alpha, I wanted the Gamma.


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