Alpha's Claim 17

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Alpha's Claim-I'm the Alpha.

"Liam you found your mate?"The Alpha asked smiling at him.

"Yes I have."He answered looking at me like he wasn't going to explain anything. I narrowed my eyes at him but he looked away towards our father.

"I'm glad our children have found their mates."The Alpha said as they talked about everything and nothing. 

We ate and talked until it turned eight since Liam got a call and had to leave for some reason and my parents had work tomorrow. The Alpha and Luna just dismissed themselves as Mckenzie said we'll talk later and left with her mate.

"Well that was a good dinner."Derrick said looking content when we walked into his bedroom.

"Yeah it was."I said falling back onto his bed looking up at the ceiling.

"So what are you going to do?"He asked sounding nervous.

"What do you mean?"I asked resting the back of my hand against my face.

"Well are you going to live here with me?"

"Uh I don't know."I mumbled but know he heard me.

"Well you'll have to move in eventually."

"Eventually."I said hearing him shuffle around the room."Want to have sex?"

I looked from under my hand at him waiting for his reply."Can you take anything serious?"He asked.

"I am. I want to have sex so I'm asking you."

"That's not what I'm talking about and you know it."He growled in frustration.

"I don't want to move into the pack house."I confirmed his thoughts,"At least not now."

"And why not?"

"I just don't want to."I sighed,"Are you really going to get mad at me for not wanting to live with you?"

"Yes because you're mine!"He yelled his eyes getting darker.

"You don't have to yell!"I said since he was overacting,"Why don't you move into my parents house with me for now then?"

"No my place is in the pack house!"He said using his Alpha's voice.

"We're not going to stay there forever and my place is at my parents house."I countered."That's why I didn't want to tell you. I knew you would basically want me to stop what I'm doing for you."

"Oh yeah I'm sure you did or did you just think you were going to stay with Chris?"

"Chris?"I questioned annoyed,"Why would you even mention Chris?"

"Why not? You seemed very happy with Chris?"

"I forgot about him as soon as I knew you were my mate just like I'm sure you forgot about you fucking Tiffany in the bathroom right before you knew I was your mate am I right?"

"Tiffany, really? Why are you talking about the past."

"Oh so only you can talk about the past?"I questioned rolling my eyes getting up already about to leave before he grabbed my hand.

"Don't."He said sternly.

"No. Don't touch me."I said beyond annoyed with the way Derrick was acting. He gets mad at me for not wanting to move in with him now but we have the rest of our lives to live together. I want to live with my parents at least until graduation because I'm use to living with them.

"What is your fuckin' problem."He yelled in anger.

"I don't have one, you're the douche acting like a high and mighty alpha but that doesn't work on me!"I said rolling my eyes leaving the room.

"Hazel don't you walk out!"He yelled, his voice echoing through the corridor but I just continued walking not caring about what he had to say. I almost let out a sigh of agitation when the twins and Chris were also in the corridor going towards Chris' room.

"Hey guys."I said smiling at them sensing an awkward atmosphere. 

"Hey."They said while Derrick stood silent before passing us and into Chris' room.

"Why did you smile at them like that?"He asked.

"Are you serious? Because they're my friends."

"Right the guy that kissed you while you were dating someone else and the guy you were dating!"He sneered,"Why don't you go back with them and suck their dicks like I'm sure you already did!"

I looked behind Derrick and saw Chris, Liam, the twins, and the Alpha and Luna who I'm guessing came from their room. I was beyond embarrassed at the way Derrick was talking to me especially where other people could hear.

"Derrick!"His mother yelled appalled as the other stood quiet wanting to speak out against their future alpha but fearing reprimands from their current Alpha.

"I'll take my leave."I whispered but knew they could all hear as I made my way outside the pack house. I wiped the tears from my eyes angrily at how he acted in front of everyone. Why does he insist that I've had sex with Chris when I have already told him I haven't. I'm the one who caught him with that girl not the other way around. He is possessive for no reason. If I had wanted sex with someone already I would have.

I sighed as I started walking towards the gate to leave the property . I heard a honk and looked at the Alpha's car coming towards me,"Do you need a ride?"

"Yes please."I said as goosebumps rose on my skin from the cold even with the trench coat I was still wearing. I got inside the car sitting in the passenger seat as I stared outside the window with tears falling from my face.

"Are you okay?"The alpha asked as he drove towards my house.

"Yes Alpha."I said as I wiped my face with my coat. I was more embarrassed and angry than sad at the way he spoke. The car ride stayed really quiet considering everyone was really happy not even an hour ago at our mating.

The Alpha pulled up in front of my house turning to me with a serious expression,"Hazel, Derrick probably acted like that because he hasn't marked you and you're around all these guys who like you but I'm not justifying how he talked to you."

"Thank you Alpha."I said giving him a small before shutting the Alpha's door and making my way towards the house. I took the house key from my pocket opening the door glad that my parents were asleep. A heavy sigh came from my lips when I sensed Chris close to the house or should I say around the house."What do you want?"

"I'm sorry that I caused a rift between you and Derrick."He said stepping up in my view.

I shrugged my shoulders,"It's not your fault."

"Hazel I still like you!"He said waking closer and closer.

"You found your mate and I found my mate. Let's just leave it at that."I said feeling tired. Don't mates mean anything to them? When I knew Derrick was mate, I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. Don't they felt the same? Don't they feel reassured that they have someone they'll spend the rest of their lives with?

"Please leave."I said going inside closing the door behind me. Apparently everyone doesn't believe in mates like I thought they did.

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