Alpha's Claim 9

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~Derrick's POV~

"Don't."I warned Tiffany as she tried to grab my shaft through my pants.

"Come on, Derrick I know you want to." She said trying to sound seductive.

I gave her a glare,"I said no, get away."

I looked up in time to see Hazel and Chris kissing. He's a fuckin' cunt, I told him to back off of Hazel but did he listen, of course not.

A song came on and that's when they really got into it. They started dancing and they were dancing alright, and it was not friendly looking either. I saw their body's pressed against each other and jealousy coursed through my veins.

I walked to where they where. Hazel's smile fell when she saw me walking to were she was. Chris turned around and that's when my fist connected with his jaw. He flew back but quickly regained his balance. He walked towards Hazel than switched direction throwing a punch at me. We fought before Liam and Tyler pulled us apart.

"Calm down."Liam said restraining me. Chris shook Tyler off, looking at Hazel before leaving out the main entrance.

I breathed in deeply, breathing hard, fist clenched at my sides looking at the gym door shut loudly

"Fuck!"I hissed looking everywhere but Hazel. I can't believe I fought my Gamma.

"What the fuck was that!"Liam asked me running his hands through his hair. It was silent since everyone was staring. I glared as they swiftly looked away.

"Nothing!"I fumed finally looking at Hazel. I looked away, how could I let my jealousy take over?

"Could we just go home."Hazel asked, subconsciously leaning into Jason's side.

"Yeah, come on."Liam said putting his arms around Hazel snatching her from Jason's hold.

"Derrick, could I come?"Tiffany asked. I growled, using her to make Hazel jealous didn't work out.

"No."I growled out at Tiffany, who was stuck to me like a leech.

The ride back to the pack house was silent, the air was tense but somewhat comfortable. We stopped at Liam's house as Hazel slid out of the car,"Bye."

"Hazel, mom's not here and I'll probably hang out there with Melissa, love you."

I wanted to laugh at Hazel's eye roll but didn't say anything. Liam would always say he loves her because one time she got in a car crash- not serious- now he  always tells her he loves her. It scared all of us.

"Okay, love you."

I breath out deeply through my nose, loving and also hating how her back was on display. I loved the way it looked but I didn't want anyone else seeing it.

I still remember the way her head bobbed up and down my cock. The way her body fit perfectly with mine.

I have girls falling at my feet yet I couldn't get the only one that I really wanted.

I hope she's my mate but then again everyone in the pack wanted her to be their mate.

I saw the way Chris and her danced and kissed. I need to show that pup his place. I was happy to take her virginity but when I saw she was gone, I freaked.

It fuckin' sucked, having her gone before I woke up. Maybe that how other girls felt, but I didn't care about other girls I cared about Hazel.

I don't care if I sounded fuck¡n' whipped.  She was fuck¡n' perfect. I don't express feelings well...seeing as I'm trying to seduce her.

"Bye."I announced getting out the car and shifting into my wolf running to were my wolf was leading me to. I passed woods and pack houses until I reached Hazel's home.

'What are you doing wolf?'I asked weary of being in back of Hazel's house.

"I know what I'm doing, human"my wolf hissed.

Well fuck...someone is on their man period. I shifted back. I grimaced, I forgot clothes.

I closed my eyes, hearing the water run. She was in the shower. I climbed the tree making my way up the tree into her room. I looked around the room it was a simple four poster bed room. The room was spotless. I stood up waiting for her to come out.

Thirty minutes later, Hazel came out, naked. My eyes roamed her perfect body up and down. Plump breast, narrow waist, and long legs.

"Oh my gosh Derrick, get out!"Hazel yelled trying to cover herself up.

I ignored her yelling as I grabbing her by the waist pulling her naked body flushed against mine.

"Hazel."I warned huskily as her body slid against mine in an attempt to get away.

She stopped moving against me and just leaned against me. Her wet breast against my hot skin made me bite my lip. She looked up at me as I brought my lips down on hers.

The kiss was hard and demanding nothing soft about it. I bit her bottom lip making her mouth open as I dominated the kiss. I broke apart from the kiss, kissing down her neck, just above her breast. Her body instinctively relaxing as I smoothed my hands up her sides.

I  hovering on top of her as her knees hit the bed frame. Glad we were both naked so we didn't have to take clothes off. One hand grabbed her firm butt while my other hand grabbed her firm breast. She closed her eyes, looking flustered and sexy. I wanted to be the only one who saw her like this.

"Oh, Derrick."Hazel said, hooking her hand on the back of my neck bringing me down to kiss her.

We kissed until I fell back. I was confused but Hazel grinned at me. I returned the smile but my smile vanished as I felt her tounge on the slit of my shaft. She took my shaft all the way to the back of her throat and pumped the rest as I was quite an impressive size. I loved her hot mouth on my shaft as she swirled her tounge on the tip.

"Oh fuck, Hazel."I hissed as her hand stroked the base of my shaft harder.

She scraped her teeth against my shaft, groaning as I almost exploded.

"Cum for Me, Derrick. Let go."She said seductively, bobbing her head faster."Dominate me."

I groaned at the idea, liking no loving the idea. I'd dominate her anytime. I grabbed her head going faster. She didn't object as I controlled her head. I came as she sucked every drop. It was such a turn on seeing her swallow.

"Dominate me, Alpha."She breathed out, running a finger against my arms and chest.

"On your back."she followed my orders getting in the potion as I put on a condom, use had laying around."How?"

"Liam's."she said blushing.

I entered in one swift movement making her cry out in pleasure yelling my name. I grabbed her hips sliding out than right back in.

"Faster."She breathed out grabbing my arms to hold her up bringing my face towards hers.

I pressed my lips against hers going in and out faster. I grabbed her arms holding them by the top of her head, kissing down her neck.

"Harder, Derrick!"she screamed moving her hips harder. I moved my hips harder and faster kissing her breast. I took her nipple in my mouth, flicking my tongue over it as she arched her back. Hazel was always in control so I loved seeing Hazel loose control. I loved this side of her.

"Hazel, I'm home."We heard Hazel's mother shout from downstairs.

Hazel eyes widened as she threw me off of her,"Get out."


"Window."She said pointing to the window, pushing me towards the window.

I kissed her on her lips completely surprising her as I jumped out, turning into my wolf.

She pushed the window down, closing the blinds. I looked at her window, in wolf form, wondering how I always seemed to be the one wanting more.

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