Alpha's Claim 5

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"But dad-"

"No son you're sister is almost eighteen. She's soon going to go off to college, find a mate, and have kids."my brother groaned,"I know you want to protect her but she has urges too. It's how werewovles are naturally."

I groaned mentally as he said I have urges, really? He's telling this to my brother.

"Whatever. Dad, happy Valentine's day."

"Oh shit!"I heard my father say out loud.

"Dad you have reservations at De la Front at six o'clock and the flowers and candy are in your trunk."

"I knew I kept you for some reason."my dad joked.

I laughed mentally in my room as I heard my dad and brother. My dad always forgot about Valentines. So every year my brother or I -which this year is his- would prepare for it. My mom doesn't suspect a thing and praises him every time saying every year is better than the last.

I went downstairs dressed in a white dress with a gold band around my waist  with brown gladiator sandals. My make up was done light with mascara and eyeliner.

My dad and brother mouths closed once I entered."Hey daddy."

"Hey princess you better hurry up. Liam's leaving soon."

"Oh I'm driving to school today."

"Hazel-"Liam began.

I cut him off,"I wasn't talking to you."

He winced as he looked away. My dad looked between us knowing he must have said something to get me upset and he sure did get me upset saying I was going to turn out to be a whore. I don't care if I am a whore I didn't want him to point it out. He's family.  my twin.

I left out of the room not even looking at Liam. I walked to my Escalade EXT getting in ready to get to school.

I turned on the radio right when One Nightstand by Hinder came on.

Still high from the ride, stumbled from my room with sex hair

She shook me all night

I guess I should of got her number

Be my biggest fan scream as loud as you can't

Cause you know its just a one night stand

And I said don't leave your number, no im not calling.

Sex's not love and no im not falling

For you so sexy girl stop stalling.

She stripped her skirt and screamed out woah oa oa oa oh.

I listened to my rock music as I heading towards school. I wondered how my first time would be. With who? I looked out the window to the woods wanting to run.

I pulled up to the school seeing everywhere hanging out in their spots. I parked my car going into the school to my locker.

"Uhm, Hazel I- I was w- wondering if you w- would like to go with me to the winter formal dance."Austin stuttered.

"Yeah."I said smiling at Austin. Austin was a cute guy from my pack. I don't think he has a rank but he was decent guy.

"Happy Valentine's Day."he smiled blushing as he handed me chocolate roses and real white roses.

"Thank you!"I said smiling causing him to blush more. The bell rang signaling class was about to start. I walked down the hall going into the class.

I sat down in the far back as I avoided Liam. I put my head down on the desk wanting this week to be over.

"Hazel,"Jason whispered in my ear. Jason and Andrew where both close to me as friends.

I picked my head looking at him as he smiled wide."What do you want?"

"Hazel, Liam's just-"

I interrupted him,"-And here I thought you where just coming to sit by me because you liked me."

"I'm just-"

"Jason, It's fine."I said nodding my head at him effectively ending the conversation.

He sighed,"You know I love you."

"Mhmm."I replied laying my head on the desk.

I mind linked Liam, I hated when we fought."Liam I'm sorry."

"No Hazel I should be apologizing for what I said. I didn't mean to call you a whore I was just mad. You're my baby sis and all."

"Where the same age."

"Yeah but your still my baby sister."he said sticking his tongue out at me but I knew seriousness wasn't his forte so he had to joke somehow.

First period flew by as well as the rest of the classes. Lunch was my favorite part of the day. We all met at Liam's locker since it was the closest to the lunch room.

"You guys are good?"McKenzie asked looking between Liam and I.

"Yeah,"he replied draping his arm around my shoulder. I leaned into his side, Liam and I were close.

"Let's eat!"Chris yelled lightening up the mood.

We all laughed as Liam literally ran to the line not waiting for anyone."So, uhm, I'm sorry for the other day."

"Chris, It's fine."

"No I shouldn't have asked you that when you specifically told me."

"Chris it's fine, friends?"

"Friends."he concluded.

We walked down the hall into the lunch room in a comfortable silence. We opened the door to see our group just chatting as they ate their meals.

I should have never tried to do friends with benefits and just stuck to having awesome friends without things being complicated.


It was finished on Valentine's day but I didn't have until today to update.

Next chapter will be better and there will be sexual content.

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