01 | his number

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chapter one

chapter one

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all it took was one look and you were absolutely infatuated. your eyes remained fixed on the platinum headed boy who continued handing out beverages and desserts to the customers.

although it wasn't your first time coming to this particular café, it was your first time seeing him.

your friends stared at you in confusion while you were lost in your thoughts. "uh, y/n?" one of them called out, but you remained pondering.

"y/n!" yoimiya shook your shoulder, which had finally managed to catch your attention. you shot yoimiya a bewildered look while raising a brow, "yeah?"

"what in teyvat are you looking at?" she asked you, earning a scoff from the purple headed girl beside her. "she's clearly looking at that boy," sara pointed out.

"and what if i am?" you outright admitted, causing the two to look at you with wide eyes.

"omg. what boy??" yoimiya began looking around, in search of the boy you had constantly been staring at. getting a bit embarrassed by this, you quickly stopped her.

"don't make it look so obvious!! it's no one, nevermind what i said." you let out a sigh as you rubbed your forehead. yoimiya chose not to argue back and did as you said.

"psst, he's walking this way." sara mentioned, prompting a small gasp from you.

"may i take your orders?" the boy asked you three, while having his eyes fixed on the notepad he was holding.

his words went in one ear and out the other as you continued admiring his facial features. he had bright crimson red eyes, platinum white hair with a streak of red and wore the café's waiter outfit. which was a pastel red dress shirt, black pants, white sneakers and a black apron.

the other two noticed what was happening and couldn't help but slightly laugh at your love struck expression.

after hearing their laughs, you shot them a deathly glare, causing the two to quickly cough it off.

the boy continued waiting for you to answer him and once you had realized this, you immediately snapped back to your senses. "sorry! i'll just have an iced tea and a cookie," you told the boy to which he hummed in response.

"i'll have a dark coffee," sara said after you. lastly, yoimiya also gave her order. "i'll have a slice of strawberry cheesecake."

the boy nodded as he wrote down your orders, then took his leave.

after he left, yoimiya gave you a sly smile. "you should totally ask for his number." she suggested, with you immediately rejecting the idea.

"no way. as if i'd embarrass myself like that."

"then at least ask his name," sara added. "that'll be awkward, no." you refused once more.

yoimiya sighed while leaning backwards on her chair as she crossed her arms. "well then, at least do something to get his attention!!" she urged you.

you didn't respond and simply shifted your gaze to the window next to you, placing your chin on the palm of your hand. as you were once again lost in your thoughts, an idea popped up in sara's head, causing the female to grin.

"hey. what if i dared you to get his number?" she challenged, knowing full well that you would never turn down a challenge. "you little." you deadpanned at her, but she remained unbothered.

after contemplating it for several seconds, you eventually decided to give in. "fine, i'll do it."

"omg sara, you're a genius!" yoimiya exclaimed excitedly. sara simply smiled with pride, as if she had just won a battle.

soon, the same boy came to your table with your food. and once you realized now was your chance, you couldn't help but get a bit nervous.

"your orders are here." the boy said with a soft smile as he placed down the orders. yoimiya thanked him while you mentally prepared yourself. after taking in a deep breath, you decided to just go for it. after all, what was there to lose?

"hey sir, something's horribly wrong with my phone. it doesn't seem to have your number in it." you said to him in a nonchalant tone, instantly regretting it the moment those words left your mouth.

yoimiya was dangerously close to bursting out laughing, while sara was simply in disbelief that you chose a pick up line as a way to ask for his number. not to mention doing it with a straight face as well.

meanwhile, the boy looked at you in confusion, not exactly sure of what you meant. "pardon?" he asked with a puzzled expression, trying to process your words.

you kept smiling at him as you felt every part of you slowly dying from the embarrassment. oh my god, he didn't understand.

you saw another waiter, one with auburn hair, who was practically laughing his ass off in the back. you wondered whether he was laughing at his friend's failure to understand you or your attempt to flirt with him. everyone nearby had their eyes on you and you never wanted to die so badly.

"nevermind!" you shouted, without realizing you had been shouting. "thank you for the order!"

"oh... alright then." the boy shrugged it off and began walking the other way, before sara stopped him. "hey wait," she said as her voice slightly rose.

"huh?" the boy turned around, facing you once more. "what y/n was trying to say was that she'd like to have your number. if you don't mind, that is." she explained to him, saving you from any further embarrassment.

"oh." the boy stood there a bit taken aback as realization had finally struck. "my apologies for not understanding aha..." he murmured, nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

you glanced at sara, telepathically telling her to just let it go but sara continued nonetheless. "no worries. so what do you say?"

you fought back the urge to facepalm yourself, while throwing numerous curses towards sara in your head.

the boy thought for a moment before a small smile appeared on his face. "sure, you can have my number." he then began writing something down in his notepad, while you continued glaring at sara.

sara remained smiling, enjoying the situation to the fullest. he then tore the piece of paper out of his notepad and handed it to you. you hesitantly grabbed it, choosing not to say anything more.

"thanks. that made her very happy." sara's smug smile widened as you shot her a look of disbelief. "of course." the boy nodded his head, before walking away.

"sara, i will never forgive you for this." you whispered to her, making sure the boy couldn't hear. "you'll thank me later," the purple headed lady rolled her eyes. 


"don't worryy y/n! it'll be okay." yoimiya tried reassuring you, but nothing could help you recover from the vast amount of embarrassment you had just gone through.

you groaned as you placed your head down on the table. "i can't believe this was my first impression on him."

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