BOB-(SEXUAL CONTENT WARNING) Chapter Six: Take Things Fast

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Sam spent her night and her morning thinking about how soft Bob's lips were.  He had to use really good chapstick. She chuckled to herself at the thought and then touched her lips with her fingertips gently, thinking about how she wanted more. And the only way to get more was to go to work.

She had arrived at work to find a familiar sedan in the parking lot, and quickly did she run into the building to find him. Putting her flight suit on and getting ready for the day, she calmly walked into the classroom to find Bob sitting in his spot daydreaming. Hopefully it was about her. She walked over to him and sat down in Phoenix's seat and looked at him. He looked absolutely delighted upon seeing Sam showing up.
"Good morning," she greeted him and he replied with the same. The two stayed silent for a brief second before the two leaned in and started kissing each other again. Bob gently tugged Sam closer to him, before the two realized that there was no going slow. Every kiss they shared was a growing connection between them. Sam felt her stomach churn as they became increasingly more and more hungry. But the sound of the hangar door opening made them practically fly apart. Bob adjusted his flight suit, clearly sporting a hard on as Sam fixed her hair and everything considering Bob just had his hand grabbing the hair on the back of her head towards the end.
"Well, well, well. Why are you in my seat, Kazansky?" Phoenix stared down at her friend and then at her WSO. "I know you two have a thing. Don't try anything." The two blushed heavily and stared at Phoenix.
"How do you know?" Bob asked quietly.
"I saw you two on your date last night. And this just confirmed everything," Phoenix played around. "I won't tell anyone. Not even Bradshaw."
"What does Bradshaw have to do with this?" Bob was confused.
"Bradshaw is basically my brother and threatened to fight anyone I date," Sam chuckled. "Don't worry, he's ticklish. You can take him down that way."
"Oh, okay," Bob said awkwardly.

Sam got up and headed to her seat right across the aisle and looked at Bob and Phoenix as they all talked about whatever they wanted to. But when Rooster walked in, he went marching right up to Sam and sat down next to her. She was taken aback and looked at the other pilot.
"Did you hear?" He asked, looking excited. Sam raised her brow and shook her head no. "We're going to the beach today."
"What? Bradley who bashed your head in?" Sam asked. But he held up his phone and showed a text from Maverick saying, "prepare for beach time tomorrow."

And sure enough, an hour later, they all found themselves at the beach standing around in whatever clothes they had on.  Sam stood next to Phoenix is almost matching outfits as they waited for Maverick to explain the rules.  Bob walked over and stood closely next to Sam. 
  "Want to be on opposite teams?" Bob asked Sam, and she stared at him.
  "Don't you mean the same team?"
  "No, being on opposite teams means we get to have the opportunity to tackle each other," Bob piped up, staring at everyone forming teams.
  "Why do you want to tackle me?" Sam chuckled.
  "It'll allow me to give you hugs and touch you without anyone suspecting a thing," Bob looked over at Sam.
  "You're thinking about this way to hard," Sam replied before walking over to Hangman's team.  Bob watched her walk away and headed to Rooster's team.

  The game went on and every time Sam got the ball, she'd see Bob running right for her.  Throwing the ball before she got tackled, she would watch Hangman or whoever grab it and run to the other side.  But Sam ended up on the sand with Bob on top of her most of the times.
  "You don't have to tackle me that hard," Sam squinted from feeling pain in her back hitting the wet sand hard.
  "But I like seeing you underneath me," Bob whispered.  Sam raised her brows shocked before Bob helped her off the ground.
  "You're ballsy, Bob," Sam told him and he smiled big, giving a wink to her, before jogging back to his team.  Sam chuckled and watched Bob run off, sighing contently.

  As soon as the game started, it ended hours later.  Sam felt her sunburnt shoulders and laughed while groaning.  Phoenix kept making fun of her and poked her bright red skin.
  "You should've had Bob put more sunscreen on," she toyed.  Sam rolled her eyes and put on a white t-shirt over her torso and grabbed her bag.
  "We're trying to hide it," Sam excused herself.
  "Yeah? Well you two are terrible at doing that," Phoenix played around, pushing Sam gently.
"I don't think we're that bad," Sam said watching Rooster in front of her just staring weird. They walked up to him, and he stayed quiet.
"Sam, are you dating Bob?" He asked. "I can't beat him up. He's reminds me too much of a child."
"He's the same age as most of us here, Bradley. Sorry you're a grandpa," Sam joked around.
"I'm literally three years older than you," Rooster jokingly said. "Just kidding I'm like six years older than you."
  "Rooster, just shut up," Phoenix said, before looking at Sam.  "I'll take care of him."

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