HANGMAN-Chapter Six: Reconciliation

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  Sam went home and ate her dinner with her family, blocking everything out.  The flowers that Hangman had gotten her still sat on the island, looking vibrant and colorful.  That was the only thing that wasn't gray.  She watched her brothers and her parents joke around in slow motion, talking to each other, from her peripheral vision.  Her fork sat in her hand with food on it, sitting there for minutes before she poked it in. 

  "Hey Sammy," her mother said in a sing-song voice.  Sam looked over at her mother who looked worried.

  "What happened at work today?" She asked, most likely already knowing what happened.  There was no way Uncle Pete didn't tell her father, and subsequently her father to her mother.  Sam shook her head and drank some water from her glass before standing up.  Her family watched her as she grabbed her still full plate and took it to the sink to clean it off.  The inner torment she held inside was tearing her apart.  She still admitted to herself that she liked Seresin enough to go on a date, but his actions from earlier made her feel gross about having those feelings, and his comment about Bradshaw?  She should hate him, but his stupid face and his sandy blonde hair plastered itself in her mind.  After what he did to Bradshaw today, she had to talk to her friend.  It's what friends would do, especially if their significant other did something with ill intent.

  "Sam?" Luke piped up, walking over to his sister who had paused at the sink, leaving the water running without realizing it.  Sam shut off the water quickly and turned to her brother before putting the plate in the dishwasher.

  "I'll be in my room," she said, quickly leaving the kitchen and walking down the hallway, leaving her brother and the rest of the family in the kitchen.

  Her door shut and she pulled out her phone, quickly dialing up Rooster, knowing that she had to talk to him.  It went to voicemail the first time, and she sighed hearing his message for the inbox.  She dialed him again, and it went to voicemail once again.

  "Come on, Bradshaw," she begged the phone.  She dialed once more and let it ring before a familiar voice on the other side picked up.

  "What do you want, Kazansky?" Rooster asked, annoyed.

  "I need to make sure you're okay after today," Sammy spoke up.  "And I'm not going to be making excuses for Seresin.  I'm not making excuses for anyone.  I am calling to make sure that you are okay."  Sammy breathed heavily, hoping that Bradshaw would talk to her.

  "I'm fine, Sam," he said still annoyed.  "But I appreciate you checking on me." His tone lightened.  Sam smiled a bit and nodded to herself.

  "Alright.  Just know that you mean more to me than Seresin," Sam reassured, but caused Rooster to scoff.

  "Well, I fucking hope so, Sam.  We've been friends way longer than anyone else in this class," he replied.  Sam chuckled a bit, creating silence, before he piped back up.  "Please know that if you go on that date with Hangman this weekend to remember what he did to me earlier today.  I'm not telling you who to date and who not to date, Sam.  I just want you to be making the right decision."

  Sam stood there, thinking deep and sighed.  "I know, Bradshaw.  I know.  You mean a lot to me and so does your opinion."

  "I love you, Sam.  Purely in a platonic way," Rooster ushered out.  Sam chuckled and smiled.

  "I love you too, Bradley."

  Sam woke up the next morning, rolling over to her phone as the alarm went off.  She groaned and sat up to turn it off.  After thirty minutes of collecting herself, getting dressed, and getting ready in general, she left for work on her bike.  Going through the gates at base seemed like a blur, and even parking felt like it never happened.  She sat on her bike for a split second before hearing the same engine as Seresin's truck pull up.

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