ROOSTER-Chapter Ten: A Hoorah and Welcome Aboard

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"Table for two, please," Rooster spoke to the hostess at the stand of the restaurant he took Sammy to as a last hoorah before a stressful underway.  The hostess escorted the two to their table and sat them down, smiling.

  The two of them sat across from each other at the table, and didn't dare even pick up the menu.  They just stared, eyes filled with worry, love, and despair.  Perfect emotions for a Greek love story that ends in tragedy.  Their waitress eventually walked up and looked at the two, asking for their drink order. They ordered both drinks and their dinners, going back to letting worry reign as the number one emotion.

  "I promise to keep you alive during this mission," Rooster whispered.  Sammy inhaled and leaned forward.

  "I'm not going to die, Bradshaw," she replied.  Rooster leaned in and ran a hand across her cheek, smiling gently.

  "Good," he replied, standing up a bit to give her a kiss.  She leaned back in her chair, with Rooster following suit.  Their drinks and waters were set down on the table, changing their mood for their waitress.

  "You better not die either," Sammy piped up in a loud whisper.  Rooster laughed and took a sip of his drink.

  "Wasn't planning on it," he grinned, but losing it in a split second.  "I'm scared, Sam."

  Sammy was mid-sip and put her drink down. "About what?"

  "What if we can't finish the mission," Rooster sighed, staring down at the table.

  "I finished and hit the target without the use of a two-seater's targeting system," Sammy piped up.

  "Then what if I can't hit the target?" Rooster looked up, genuinely concerned.  Sammy sighed and leaned over the desk.

  "Worry about the mission when it happens in a couple of days.  For now, worry about making this dinner a good last hoorah before we're shipped out to wherever," Sammy smiled sincerely, grabbing one of Rooster's hands, rubbing her thumb on it.

  The next morning, Sammy arrived with her mother by her side as she headed for the carrier that was to transport them to where their mission lies.  She stood there with her seabag, dress back, and two backpacks for what would only be a month out to sea.  It was a go in, go out kind of underway.  She set some of her bags down to give her mom a big hug, not letting go.

  "You best come home after this," Mrs. Kazansky replied, feeling her daughter hug her tight.  But once let go, her eyes welled up and she smiled with some pain hidden behind.  "Make your father proud."

  Sammy grabbed her things and headed up the gangway, holding her ID up and saluting, dropping bags on the quarterdeck.  They saluted her and welcomed her aboard, letting her walk through the hangar bay, admiring the jets that were down, resting and waiting for action. Sam noticed her jet as she walked through the ship, admiring her name on the side, before noticing that Bradshaw's was right next to her's. She smiled knowing that she had her two best friends up in the sky with her for once in her career.

  "Hey, heard your stateroom is right next to my stateroom," Phoenix came bouncing up to her, catching her off guard.  Sammy turned a bit to look behind them and saw the rest of the officers heading, with Bob and Rooster right behind them.  Her gaze turned back to Phoenix and then straight forward.

  "Are you ready for this?" Sammy asked.  Phoenix looked at her now superior.

  "Aren't you?" She asked back.  The two of them headed through dogged doors, up ladder wells, and eventually to a p-way of staterooms specifically set up for them.  Two sleeping quarters attached to one bathroom.  It was better than what the enlisted folks got, and Sammy knew that.  She headed into her room, unlocking the five button lock, and dropped all of her things.  She set the backpack that was being carried on her desk, with everything else going to the floor.  She unzipped it, and there sat her flight helmet.  Blue and silver, just like her father's, but with Echo written on it.  She put a hand on the top of it and inhaled deeply.

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