BOB-Chapter Twelve: Get Ready

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Sam grouped up with the rest of the aviators, listening to the plan of attack. She was personally briefed on her roles and duties as team leader by both Maverick and Cyclone. One, she was to lead her group safely below the hard deck of one hundred feet. Two, she was to make sure everyone arrived on time and finished the mission in that two and a half minute allowance. Three, bring everyone home safe and sound. She understood everything, despite never having leadership in any formations. The closest she had was Top Gun, but even then, she worked in a team then. And this was different, oh so very different.
"Sam," Rooster called out. Sam stood there with her helmet in hand, staring down at the weatherdeck material of the hangar bay deck.
"Yeah?" Sam looked up. Rooster gave her a big hug and pulled back.
"You got this. All of us believe in you," he reassured. Sam smiled and nodded, putting her helmet on.
"Let's go, we have a mission to do."

  Sam was the last person on the flight deck, walking to her jet by herself.  She stared at her plane as she made what felt like the longest walk in her entire life.  People stared at her, knowing her position in the mission.  It was all on her.  She walked up to her plane and saluted back the enlisted personnel in charge of tethering her and ensuring she was okay.
  "Good luck, ma'am," one of them told her as she climbed up the ladder and into the cockpit.  She hooked up and did everything she needed.  Staring out in front of her, waiting the okay for her to line up for the launch, she made eye contact with Phoenix and Bob.  They both gave her a thumbs up, and she gave one back.
  "Alright, Lieutenant Kazansky.  This is the big moment.  You are clear for the taxiway," Cyclone said into the radio.  Sam nodded to herself.
  "Copy that, Admiral.  Clear the taxiway," she said, closing her canopy.  The aircrew guided her out of her spot as she fired up her engine, getting out the spot a little jerky.  She headed for the launching mechanism and heard the tower talking.  Nothing mattered to her except for the adrenaline rush that was making her numb.  Her head was no longer cleared due to the anxiety, but was clear enough to get her off this carrier.  She lined up perfectly as the blast guard raised up.
  "Cleared for launch.  Good luck, Echo," the tower said.  Sam gunned her engines, quickly checking her wings, before ultimately flinging off the carrier at high speeds.  It never got old.  Sam loved that feeling.
  Following her was Rooster, then Phoenix and Bob, and lastly Payback and Fanboy.  Sam heard each Dagger's exit from the carrier through the radio.  As soon as everyone was with her, check in with radar patrol was a must.  Sam held herself steady before getting the clearance to fly low.
  "Descend to 50 feet," the radar officer ordered, and the daggers obliged.  Sam held her position, looking at the others in the mirrors she had on the inside of her cockpit.
  "Daggers to position," Sam ordered, seeing the beginning of their course up ahead.  The other three planes fell into position, close to one another.  "Remember, get in, hit the target, and get out."
  "Yes, Ma'am."
  "Copy that."

  Sam approached the beginning and phoned to the tower to mark her time.  Once inside the course, she increased her speed to six hundred.  Phoenix and Bob were right on her tail, and she knew she had to guide them to safety.  That was her best friend and the love of her life depending on her back there.
  "Phoenix, you on me?" Sam asked, twisting her plane around tight corners and leaning it both left and right.
  "Right behind you, Echo," Phoenix replied, mirroring every move Sam did. 
  "Thirty seconds in.  We have good time," Bob replied, looking at his timer and his radar system, monitoring everything.
  "Rooster, you need to engage," Cyclone said from the carrier.  Sam stopped focusing for a split second and processed what was going on.  "Engage, Lieutenant Bradshaw.  You need to engage."
  "Come on, Rooster.  We need to get going," Payback said from his plane.
  "Rooster," Sam piped up.  "Rooster, you need to be hitting six hundred.  If you're falling behind, you run the risk of getting you killed.  You need to engage now!"  There was silence, but Sam needed to continue.  Phoenix still pursued Sam as they came up on the one minute mark.
  "Rooster! Engage!" Payback pleaded.  And Rooster soon obliged.  Everyone heard on the radio both Payback and Fanboy yelling at Rooster to give them a heads up.
  "Dagger Two has re-engaged," the tower told everyone.
  "Let's go, Rooster!" Sam yelled into her radio.  "We're almost done."

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