ROOSTER-Chapter Fourteen: Overwhelmed

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  Sam woke up that morning, admiring a sleeping Bradley next to her.  He laid on his stomach, sporting a gentle smile, as he slept.  His hair was soft and a little wavy, his mustache was... well a mustache, and his muscles were toned beyond toned still.  He had just recently gotten out of the Navy, happy to be free of it.  Their wedding was coming up, planning it carefully around Sam's deployment schedule. 
  She carefully got out of bed, grabbing a robe to hide her naked self, and headed for the bathroom to shower.  As she tied the robe shut, Bradley stirred, propping himself up and looking at Sam with utmost admiration.
  "Good morning, baby girl," he spoke up, sleep still harboring in his vocal chords.  Sam was attracted to the groggy and wanted to do everything in her power to stay behind.  "Do you want to stay in bed with me for a couple morning minutes?" Bradley held open his arms, having the blanket drape down the middle of his torso.  Sam smiled and looked at the floor.
  "I'm sorry, my love.  I have to get a shower," she said looking back at the man she quite adored with a genuine smile.  "After all, you made me quite sweaty last night."
  Bradley became bashful, rubbing the back of his head and chuckled.  Sam walked over to his side and gave him a kiss on his forehead before receiving one from him on the lips.  It was soft and sweet.
  "You know I'd do it again if you only asked," Bradley whispered against her lips. 
  "You dog," she replied with a chuckle.  "I need to shower."
  "Then go shower," he whispered to her.  "I'll be here waiting for you."

  Sam walked out naked and with her hair up in a towel turban, drying her hair.  She stared at Bradley who was staring at her figure while biting his lip.
  "God, if I could take you right now, I would," Bradley responded, getting out of bed also completely naked.  Sam went through her dresser, pulling out clothing one by one.  Bradley walked over and hugged her from behind as she got dressed.  They stood in front of the floor length mirror, staring at each other that way.
  "I'll come home sooner than later," Sam smiled, enjoying the warmth that Bradley exuded 24/7.  His hands went to her stomach and held it gently.
  "I can't wait to start a family with you," he whispered, rubbing his thumb gently on her skin.  Sam blushed and felt her stomach suck itself in.  She turned herself around and wrapped her arms around his neck. 
  "Soon, my love.  Soon," she whispered to him.  "But first, we need to go to work."

  Sam went to work like normal and got ready to fly for the day.  She sported her new rank: Commander, beating Phoenix without question.  But now as the most senior person in her VFA, she was in charge, telling the little lieutenants and their junior grades what to do.  Most of the time, she sat in an office, preparing that week's events.  She heard a knock on his office door, and allowing them to enter, she saw a familiar face in front her.
  "Commander Kazansky," the girl in front of her spoke up.  Sam leaned back in her chair and smiled big before standing up.
  "Lieutenant Commander Trace," she walked around her desk and hugged Phoenix tight.  "What brings you to my office?"
"Just got new orders to your VFA... ma'am," she chuckled. Sam smiled big and then sat back down at her desk, gesturing to the seat in front of her for Phoenix to take.
"Do you have your transfer packet?" Sam asked, pulling up her emails and all of that. Phoenix placed a folder on the table, sliding it to Sam. Sam took it, opening it up and then at her emails, finding the email for Natasha.
"So," Trace piped up. "How's Bradley?" She smiled slyly. Sam clicked around on her computer.
"He's good. He's an instructor here in San Diego. Civilian contractor. Paid him more money," Sam looked at her friend.
"You planning on starting a family soon? Considering you're sitting a desk for most of your day?" Phoenix asked. Sam printed a couple of things off and grabbed them from her printer right next to her.
"Yeah, we're thinking about it. Don't know when," Sam scooted back to her desk and handed over the couple of papers before going through the folder. "Hell, I could be pregnant right now." Sam laughed. Phoenix grimaced a bit and chuckled.
"I don't need to know that," she replied.
"How are you doing?" Sam asked, signing the papers and going through them.
"I dated Hangman for a bit," Phoenix piped up. Sam stopped moving, looked up with eyebrows raised, and stared shocked at Phoenix.
"You? Hangman?" Sam's mouth opened in shock. "No way."
"It was nice. Then he got station in Norfolk, and I'm here."
"Well, nothing saying you can't try to continue that," Sam smiled a bit, handing back the papers to Phoenix. "Let's go get you situated."

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