PHOENIX-Chapter Thirteen: Paradise by George Ezra

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  Sam came running home on a Wednesday, preparing for the four-day that her squadron got.  She was so excited to finally see Trace after months of being away.  Two months was way too long, but Sam felt differently.  Her mother knew she would be gone for four days, giving her time to be alone and recuperate.
  Being a tornado in her room, she packed up a backpack and an overnight bag, before saying goodbye to her mother.
  "Take the Volvo.  It gets better gas mileage," her mother said with a smile.
  "But the motorcycle?" Sam stared at her mom confused.
  "It's supposed to rain up north so just to be safe."

  Sam took her late Father's Volvo and headed out, waving to her mother as she pulled out of the garage.  Her mother shut the garage door, and Sam was on her way.  Stopping to fill up before actually leaving, she phoned Phoenix as the gas pump was going.
  "Hello?" Phoenix answered.
  "Hey, baby girl," Sam replied.  "I'll be there in six hours."
  "Perfect.  It's taco night in the Trace household," Phoenix replied.
  "Oh good, Taco Wednesday," Sam chuckled.
  "I'm on my lunch break right now, and I have to go back for god knows how long, but if you're here before I get off, there's a spare key in the potted plant on my porch."
  "Tasha, you have like twelve plants on your porch," Sam replied, feeling the pump stop pumping.  She shook it inside the car before replacing the pump and getting a receipt.
  "You'll know which one."
  "What does that even mean?" Sam laughed.
  "Trust me, Sam."
  "I trust you."

  Sam drove her happy ass up to Lemoore as quickly as she could, excited for when her ETA went down thirty minutes.  Sam got there right at dinner time, not seeing Phoenix's car in her driveway.  She got out, grabbing her two bags and her phone, and headed to the front door.
  "Now, if I was Natasha, where would I hide the key," Sam talked to herself.  And Phoenix was right.  Her key was hidden in the one potted plant that had a tiny gold leaf Lieutenant Commander pin.  Sam found the key buried in the soil and pulled it out to unlock the door.
She walked inside the small bungalow to the lights being turned off and everything. Sam vaguely knew the layout and headed down a small hallway and went into the master bedroom where Phoenix had a king size bed. She set her bags down on the bed and walked out to basically invite herself in. The lights got turned on, and Sam walked into the kitchen to grab some water. Eventually a car pulled up and into the carport that attached itself to the garage. Sam felt the butterflies in her stomach go nuts knowing it was Phoenix. The front door opened and in walked. Natasha with a paper bag of groceries. She set it down on the dining room table and ran over to Sam yelling with excitement.
"Sammy!" She shouted. Sam ran towards her girlfriend and hugged her tight, giving and receiving a ton of kisses. "Oh I have missed you!"
"And I missed you! Let me help you with the groceries."

  They made tacos together, standing around in comfy clothes like sweats and a T-shirt.  That night, they planned to stay in just spending quality time together.  The tv played a movie, allowing them to focus on something while eating.  But thirty minutes into it, they had both finished.  The silent domestic life was kind to them, allowing them to feel safe and at ease with no sound coming from either of them. 
  The two of them cleaned up the kitchen, enjoying the company of each other, moving around as if it were a dance.  Natasha dried off the plates and pans with a floral towel, placing them in the appropriate cabinets as Sam washed them in the sink.  Sam had felt peace and happiness for once in her life.  And it was a strange, yet welcomed feeling.
  Trace understood that Sam never really had a normal life with her father gone constantly, her mother at home trying to take care of her and her brothers.  But her entire life was the Navy.  Born in the Navy, went into the Navy, that's all Sam knew.  And Natasha remembered her talking about how she only had one relationship before her and that was a decade or more ago.  Phoenix felt lucky to have someone as calm and collected as Sam, who learned from the best: her father.
  Sam learn everything from her dad from learning how to love someone with everything you have to how to treat someone when you truly to love them.  And Natasha was the first one to tell you that she knew one hundred percent that Sam loved her.
  "Would you like to finish the movie?" Sam had asked, shutting off the sink.  Phoenix placed the last plate in its cabinet, smiling big.
  "I would love nothing more."
  The two of them sat on the couch, Sam sitting upright with Natasha lying her head on Sam's lap, getting her hair played with.  The movie played and the two sat in silence and enjoyed the short amount of time they had.

                        *~*Two Years Later*~*
  If you had told Sam that three years after their mission, after Natasha had made Lieutenant Commander, and she would have made Commander, and had Natasha on her last leg out of the Navy, she would've called you funny.  Sam stood there, looking proud as Trace pinned her with the new silver oak leaves.  Natasha and Sam had both come out with their relationship, knowing it was bound to happen at one point.  Sure, they got some backlash, but with Natasha on her way out of the Navy, no one could do anything.
  "You make me proud," Natasha told Sam.  Sam smiled at her girlfriend.
  "Would you like to make me more happy, Tasha?" Sam asked.
  "I will do anything to make you happy," Phoenix replied quietly.  Sam reached into her pocket and pulled out a small red velvet ring box and smiled.
  "I would get on my knee, but I'm in my dress whites," Sam said, laughing a bit.  Phoenix took the box and opened it up.  Inside was a white gold band with leaves twirling around small dark blue sapphire standing prominently in the middle.
  "I love it.  I love you!  And I'm going to say yes!" Phoenix cried, taking the ring out of the box and slipping it on.
  "Hey, hey! I have to put it on your hand," Sam chuckled, taking the ring back.  Phoenix looked at her fiancée and shook her head.
  "You can put your own ring on," she replied, pulling out a navy blue velvet box.  Sam stared at it and then at Phoenix, opening up the box carefully.  Inside was a similar white gold band but with a garnet right in the middle.
  "Oh, Tasha! I love it too!  And I love you!" Sam cried back, embracing Natasha tightly.  The two were practically crying as they held each other. They stayed silent, just holding onto each other before pulling away and planting a passionate kiss on one another.
  "I get the black dress," Natasha announced.
  "I don't look good in white, Tasha," Sam whined.
  "I don't know, Sammy.  You're looking pretty good in those whites," Natasha said, leaning in for a whisper.  "They would look better on the floor at home." Sam blushed.
  "Tasha, you can't say that here," Sam chuckled. 
  "I can say what I want!" Phoenix yelled with a childish grin.  "I'm going to get you out of that uniform." Trace turned to a whisper.

  The two of them headed home to their shared home in Washington state.  The same one her father left her in his will years ago.  The house itself was only a ten minute drive from base and overlooked the water.  Sam got out of the driver's seat and went to open the door for Natasha, who got out gracefully.  Sam walked her inside after shutting the doors and locking the car.
  "Now," Natasha said, opening the front door.  "Get out of the uniform."
  "Yes, ma'am," Sammy replied giggling.

  The two of them laid in bed, holding each other and enjoying the company and the silence.
  "Did you want to go out tonight?  For dinner?" Sam asked.  Phoenix gave Sam a gentle kiss on the forehead.
  "We can.  We can think of it as a celebration for everything," Natasha replied, kissing her again on the forehead.
  "Then we should go out.  There's a good seafood restaurant down the street," Sam whispered.  Phoenix turned around and sat up, sighing.
  "I guess I'll get dressed."
  "We can get takeout or make something if you don't want to leave?" Sam sat up and scooted to Natasha's side, kissing her shoulder.  "Go sit on the porch and admire the sunset and the breeze from the water."
  "I think I would like that better," Phoenix piped up. "What are you going to do now as a Commander, babe?"
  Sam thought to herself and her brow furrowed as she ran through her options.  They were far and few in between, but they did just lose their VFA Commander.
  "Do you think I could convince them to let me stay here to be the Commander for the VFA?" Sam chuckled, getting out of bed, putting sweatpants and a hoodie on.
  "I wouldn't want anyone else.  I trust you wholeheartedly," Natasha replied, getting up and putting one of Sam's shirts on and a pair of sweat shorts.
  "I do have distinguished marks.  Always have.  I'll go ahead and send in my application for it.  That way we don't have to leave this place."
  "But wherever you go, I will follow," Phoenix replied, kissing Sammy.  "I will love you forever."

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