BOB-Chapter Nine: Back in the Game

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Sam walked back into the classroom to everyone whispering to one another. Fanboy was sitting in his chair backwards, facing the row behind him. But he saw Sam walk in, not able to hear the door open or shut from the commotion.
"Kazansky!" He shouted. Everyone shut up and turned around. Bob turned around, saw her, and did not hesitate to get up to run to her. He practically tackled her as she laughed. Phoenix and Rooster weren't far behind, joining in on the hug.
"We thought you got canned," Hangman said, chuckling as he walked over.
"You'd like that too much," she told him with a grin.
"Holy shit! Dude! That was intense though!" Phoenix shouted. "You flying that course in time?"
"That was insane. I can't believe you!" Rooster shouted, messing up her hair.
"I guess that means I'm up for team leader," Sam joked.
"Oh shut up, Echo," Coyote piped up. "You've always been the number one choice."
"Don't embarrass me, Coyote."
"You can't be embarrassed by what's true," Coyote snapped back.
"All of you. To your seats," Cyclone said, busting into the room. Everyone stared and then scurried to their seats. Cyclone stopped by Sam's spot and leaned down. "Don't do that shit ever again, Lieutenant."
"Understood, sir," Sam replied looking up at the admiral. He stood back up and walked to the front.
"All of you need to attempt the course for the rest of the week before we depart. The USS Abraham Lincoln is departing this base on Monday morning. You must have everything ready to go in your bunk rooms no later than Sunday at 1900. Understood?" Cyclone shouted at the class.
"Yes, sir!" Everyone replied in unison.
"First up. Echo flying with Phoenix and Bob," he said before listing off the other groups. Sam looked at her friend and boyfriend with a thumbs up.

  Sam got Bob and Phoenix through the day, sitting in the break room waiting for everyone else.  Phoenix and Bob sat across from Sam, who sat relaxed in an arm chair pondering mindlessly.
  "I didn't realize how invigorating flying that fast at such a low altitude would be," Phoenix remarked.  "And you did this as a little Junior Grade?"
  "Yeah, all those years ago," Sam laughed for a split second to herself, reminiscing on what life was like in her early twenties.  She remembered how she met Phoenix in flight school and how they parted ways after two years.  And how it was the worst moment and the time she realized she may never see her friend again.  But here she was, right in front of her.
  "Damn," Phoenix interrupted Sam's thoughts.  Sam looked up and scratched her head.
  "I'll be right back," she stood up and patted her flight suit down.
  "Where are you going?" Bob asked, and Phoenix elbowed him.
  "Why? Are you going to follow her?" And Bob replied with an eye roll.
  "I'm going to the bathroom.  I've gotta pee like a racehorse," Sam interjected without a warning.  Phoenix laughed as Sam headed out of the break room.

  Sam came out of the nearby bathroom, propping the door open as she wiped her hands off with a paper towel before leaving.  Leaning against the wall across the way was Bob smiling a bit.
  "So you did come to follow me?" Sam said monotonously.  Bob shook his head as she threw her towel in the trash and fully exited the bathroom.
  "No, I mean yes, but I'm just worried about you.  You've gone through a lot in the past two weeks," Bob piped up.  "I just wanted alone time with you to make sure you're okay."
  "I'm okay, Floyd.  I really am," Sam only partially lied.  She would process her emotions later, knowing she had to do this mission.
  "Can I at least give you a hug?" Bob asked softly.  Sam nodded and held her arms open to get a warm embrace from her boyfriend.  He smelled like his cologne and a mix of sweat and the harness of the F/A-18. 
  "I love you, Bob," she whispered softly, gripping the back of his flight suit tighter.  Bob held her tighter in response and sported a small smile.
  "And I love you, Sam," he replied back.  The two pulled away from each other shortly after and smiled at each other gently, before Sam pushed towards him, kissing him hard as he was pressed against the wall.  It took him by surprise, but Bob liked it.  His hand went to the back of her neck, pulling her in and eventually he flipped them around, pressing Sam against the wall.  But he pulled away shortly, leaving only a couple inches between their faces.
  "You know what I found turns me on?" He whispered, looking down at her lips.
  "What is it?" She whispered back.
  "Watching you launch your plane.  Something about it makes me absolutely feral," he said, going back to kissing her.  But the two were interrupted by Phoenix walking up.
  "In the hallway? Guys, come on," she joked as Sam and Bob pulled away blushing bright red.
  "What do you need?" Bob asked, looking over at Phoenix who stood there with her arms folded.
  "We got called to wait in the classroom while the last group finishes up," Phoenix said, nudging her head.  Bob looked back at Sam and the two stifled a laugh before Bob gave Sam a quick kiss on the lips, and grabbing her hand to make her follow.

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