BOB-Chapter Seven: At Least You're Okay

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Friday rolled around the next morning, and Sam went to work like normal. Things between her and Bob were so sexually tense, they constantly stole glances at each other. Bob, normally a soft spoken man, became almost animalistic every time Sam would stand up and look at him. Her face constantly sported a blush, especially when they walked side by side and he would whisper things to her.
  "Are we still on for this Saturday?" He asked, which was the first thing he said that wasn't sexual in nature.  Sam smiled and nodded.
  "I'm very excited," she replied.  The two of them walked with the rest of them to the break room where they were to wait for their pairs.  Sam sat with Bob and Phoenix before she and another double seater group got called first.  She patted both Bob and Phoenix's arms before grabbing her helmet and heading out to the tarmac.

  After her group finished up with training, she passed Rooster, Phoenix, and Bob walking outside.  She gave them a thumbs up and jokingly said, "come back alive."  Only to be sitting in the break room about twenty minutes later listen to the radio transmission coming through.
  Sam stared out the window in horror, seeing the F/A-18 that held both Phoenix and Bob on fire.  They were yelling over the radio before they ejected.  Sam watched two parachutes open up and the plane ending up in the side of the mountain.  She couldn't move and just stood there watching in horror.  Everyone walked over to the window staring as the other two jets landed.  But rescue teams dispatched instantly to go grab the two officers who laid waiting for them.  Sam was pulled away by Rooster fifteen minutes later as he ran into the room, pulling her from the window to sit down.  She didn't know it, but tears streamed from her eyes and she was shaking violently.  That was her best friend and the man she loved.
  "Hey, Kazansky," Rooster looked at her.  "They're going to be fine." He said reassuringly, not actually knowing if they were going to be okay or not.  She sat there for about an hour, noticing that everyone left for the day after being dismissed by Maverick.  Rooster stayed with her before their instructor came back into the room.
  "Phoenix and Bob are okay," he told them.  Sam looked over and breathed in deeply, full of relief.  "They're being kept overnight for observation.  They just have some bruising and got knocked around quite a bit."
  "Can we go see them?" Sam asked, standing up shaking a bit from the shock.
  "Yeah, they're at the base hospital.  Go ahead and go see them," Maverick told her.  She nodded, looked at Rooster who ushered her to leave, and went on her way.

  In the hospital, at the front desk, Sam stood in her flight suit, trying to find Phoenix and Bob.
  "I'm here to see Lieutenant Robert Floyd and Lieutenant Natasha Trace," she told them.  The front desk staff advised her that they were in the ER wing and couldn't receive visitors.  She sighed, turning around to go sit in the waiting room until something came around, but found Cyclone standing there instead.
  "Lieutenant Kazansky," he said shocked.  "What are you doing here?"
  "I'm here for Phoenix and Bob.  I wanted to see them," she told him, sighing.  Cyclone chuckled a bit and ushered her to the desk.
  "I need Lieutenant Floyd and Trace's room numbers," he demanded from the corpsman at the front desk.  They saw his rank and nodded, giving him the room numbers immediately.  Cyclone ushered Sam towards the rooms, telling her that he was there to make sure they could still do the mission or if they needed the be grounded, to do so immediately.  Sam walked into Natasha's room first, sitting next to her as her friend watched television.
  "I'm sorry I scared you," Phoenix replied.  Sam grabbed her hand.
  "It was a bird strike in an F/A-18.  That's not your fault," Sam told her.  "You did what any of us would have done."
  "Yeah, but you could have lost your boyfriend and your best friend in one day," Phoenix replied solemnly.  Sam sighed and understood.
  "But I trust you and your instinct, Tasha.  Always have and always will," Sam leaned back into the chair before Cyclone knocked and walked in.
  "Mind if I talk to Phoenix?" Cyclone asked gently. 
  Sam stood up and excused herself, heading out to go see Bob in the room over. 

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