1- Welcome to Augusta

926 20 4

Warning: Blood and murder


The young woman ran as far as she could, a few days ago she came to the forest with her friends. However, that same night it turned to hell. Her friends were killed stabbed and some even eaten!

And it was no animal.

Lisa runs and runs as fast as she can to escape the being's grasp. She falls down and a small tentacle pulls her to the tall faceless being. She screams and throws a rock at it. All of a sudden she's pulled and her mouth is covered, it was her boyfriend!

"D-Daniel!" She hugs him and he hugs her back.

"Lisa, are you okay?"


"Babe, run."

"What? No! I'm not leaving you with them! You will die!"

"Lisa, babe please run. Look." He says pointing at his shirt. It was covered in blood and dirt, however, it had a cut.

"W-What happened?!"

"That crazy dude with the fucking white hoodie stabbed me, however...."


"J-Jenny..." He looks down and Lisa is quick to know what happened.

"Babe, look I won't be able to move on. Just run and find help the lake is nearby, from there follow the gravel path. Ok?"

She nods and runs before kissing her boyfriend. She's not far away before she hears her boyfriend's screams.

She runs faster however all of a sudden she hears a tearing sound, and feels something drip down, she looks down and sees a tentacle had pierced her. The being grabs her and quickly pulls her apart in pieces.


It was like any move.

It was stressful, difficult, but at the same time exciting! Catalina was moving to Augusta cause of her job as a reporter. She had good luck that someone hired her so soon after she had just graduated, and she knew that. It normally took people weeks or even months to get their job! Some even go to schools or enter themselves into programs for their dream job!

However, she only got lucky cause one of her teachers recommended her.

She stops at a gas station and fills up her car. As she got down to pay she noticed how the windows were pasted with missing people posters. She entered and found the cashier vaping, she ignored that since it wasn't her first time. Back in L.A she had seen cashiers do far more crazy shit.

While paying she looked at the small television in the upper corner and saw that the news was on.


She saw how behind the reporter was a white blanket. It was clearly the dead body of the young woman. She was so busy listing that she didn't the cashier.


She's brought back and sees the cashier handing her the change.

"New around these parts, aren't ya?"


"Where ya from?"

"L.A." The young woman says back.

"What's a young gal like you doing in a shitty town like this one, huh?"

"Oh, I moved here for my job"

The cashier chuckles at this before looking at the T.V and back at her.

"You will get used to this."


"You will get used to all this. At this point, it's normal for someone to go missing or even be found dead in that, hell hole."

Catalina gets scared and goes back to her car. She drives to her new address and enters to her new apartment, with boxes in hand. She enters and already finds her furniture placed. The furniture guys came a few days ago and moved everything to her new place. She places the boxes down and looks around. The apartment was a bit small, but she had no problem with that. I mean, her dorm room was smaller and she shared it with three other girls.

She turns on the lights and enters her new bedroom. It was...okay.

She just needed to decorate her place and maybe then it will look better. She walks around and opens her bedroom window to let some fresh air in.

She looks out her window and looks at the forest. It was dark and nothing could be seen. The trees were large and thick, not to mention the branches. No wonder so many people go missing, plus the moon could nearly be seen. She closes her window and starts placing her stuff down. She brings out her lights, bedding, and decoration. She only finished halfway, since she grew tired and not to mention, tomorrow was her first day at work.

She takes a quick shower before going to her bedroom and laying on her bed. She kept the window closed as she found some comfort in the cold air and the nice smell of pine. She gets up to light up a small candle and is quick to go back to bed. Her eyes grow heavy and she slowly starts dozing off to sleep.

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