16- Return

217 2 0

Timeskip of a year

Catalina kissed Sally's forehead before turning off the night by her nightstand and turning her little nightlight of stars on. The mother admires her little one deep and peaceful slumber as she begins to leave her bedroom.

A sigh of exhaustion leaves her lips as she starts to walk back to her own bedroom whom she shared with her beloved. She passes by his office only to find him still working just like always. Catalina smiles softly and enters instantly earning a soft glance from him.

"She's asleep."

"Is she now? Or is she in the kitchen hiding in the locked cabinet of candy you stock up on?" He jokes referring to the accident in which Sally waited for her parents to sleep, before sneaking into the kitchen. They heard some noise and went to the kitchen only to find Sally with a handful of candy and her mouth all covered in chocolate.

Catalina laughs as she leans into the doorway of his office, and smiles at him.

"I'm gonna take a shower, wish to join me?" She smirks immediately obtaining a chuckle from Slender who was now putting all his papers in a drawer and getting up.


Catalina giggles at him before being lifted bridal-style by her boyfriend, and being taken to their shared bedroom.


Catalina dries up her hair with the towel before turning her mirror and catching the reflection of her boyfriend lying down on their bed with a book in his hand.

"What's wrong?"

"Zalgo's activity has slowed down."

"Isn't that good?"

"Not really, my love."

Catalina hums as she throws the towel and walks to the bed where he lies.

"It's rare for him to slow down suddenly."

"It's better to take advantage of this time."

"Or worry."

Catalina's eyes roll as she lays down next to Slender and snuggles by his side. His arm wraps around her figure as he keeps on reading the book in hand. Slender leans down softly-kissing Catalina's forehead and lips as he gets kissed back by his beloved.

"I love you with all my heart."

"And I love you more." She says with a soft smile before getting a soft peck on her lips.

"Don't make me fight you on that" Slender jokes as Catalina laughs and moves up sitting on his lap.

"Put your book down." She whispers to him leaning into him and kissing his neck. His hands put the book down and slowly slid themselves to her hips instantly drawing a whimper from her.

Slender's tentacles unbutton her shirt spilling out her breast. His hands tracing along- bringing shivers down her back and allowing a soft whimper to escape.

They lean into one another's touch as all they do is cherish one another.

"Slender, please just touch me."

"I'm touching you already." He teases as his fingers play with her nipples.

Catalina whimpers as she begins riding his lap, which just makes Slender chuckle.

"I'll enjoy you tonight~" Slender groans before turning the both of them.


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