8- After seeing you PT: 2

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Catalina gets on the toilet and quickly covers her mouth with her hand. From the bottom of the door, she can see its feet pale skin with long ass nails like knives. The creature walks and starts sniffing. Catalina feels tears run down and wishes she had not come back to her workplace. She hears the door open and a loud scream. She hears the creature run and sees blood splatter to the ceiling.

The creature screeches and not long later screams fill the building. Catalina can hear people running around and screaming for their lives and the creature's loud screeches. All of a sudden the lights go out and the screams stop. Catalina takes her heels off and slowly, quietly opens the bathroom door. 

The door to the bathrooms was now on the floor and covered in blood. Right next to it a woman and her face all disfigured. Her arm was gone and the other one was only bone. Catalina covers her mouth as she feels about to throw up. As she breathes in the air, the smell of metal is the only thing in the air. She slowly starts walking out only to see more corpses and notices it was raining outside. She walks to an office and closes the door behind her quietly. 

"C-Catlina?" A whisper calls out to her. Catalina looks around and sees some of her coworkers hiding behind the desk. They had used bookshelves to make a small hideout.

"I-Is it still out there?" Another worker asks her.

"I don't know. I was in the bathroom. I was in a stall when I heard it walk around, next thing I knew someone opened to come in, and screams filled the office." Catalina says recalling the recent events.

"W-We were just in here and saw everyone running around." A worker says tearing up.

All of a sudden they hear a loud screech and scream. Catalina ducks down and hears glass shatter.

Moments before

"I think we should go after her, guys." Splendor says trying to persuade his brothers.

"Maybe," Trender says crossing his arms.

"Hell Nah! You heard the woman! Plus, the last thing we need is to have her scream at us as if she were mom! Or worse, she might go to Slender, AND THEN HE WILL KICK OUR FUCKING ASS!"  Offender points out.

Tr: "Good point."

Spl: "B-But, we should at least try and explain things. If we explain that we had to do it for everyone's own good. I'm sure she might at least calm down."

"Splendor is right."

They all turn to Slender and Offender goes up to him.


"I did what I thought was right. Plus, you're response screwed things even worse."

"Yeah, he's right." Trender and Splendor say.

Offender growls and rolls his eyes (?).

"And all cause you wanted to sleep with her, right?!!"

Trender and Splendor laugh so hard that Splendor had trouble breathing. Slender blushes mad and clears his throat.

"One, nothing happened-"

"Well, the pastas said you didn't come back home till the morning, brother." Offender says with a smirk.

"GODDAMIT NOTHING HAPPENED! Look, try and explain this shit to her!"

All of a sudden it starts raining and thunder clouds fill the sky.

"What the fuck?" Offender yells out in anger.

Slender looks up at the sky and feels something is off.

"Something isn't right," Slender says quickly walking out of the alleyway in his mortal form. His brothers walk behind him also in their mortal forms.

Off: "What's wrong now?"

"Something's off. I just know it." Slender says walking to the post office.

They hear screams and run to the office. As soon as they enter the stench of blood fills the air. They keep on walking and find the office a mess. Some lights were hanging from the ceiling, papers were covered in blood everywhere, and body parts were even on the desks and floor. Blood covered the walls. Slender walks around trying to find Catalina. He fears the worst and all of a sudden he and his brothers hear a screech. Slender's so busy trying to look for the woman he loves that he doesn't see the monster running to him.

It runs so fast that even his brothers don't see it till it lunges on Slender! Slender lands on a window breaking it instantly.  Slender grabs the being and uses his tentacles to push it off. His brother go to his aid and the being ends up jumping on Trender. Its huge nails scratch Trender on the arm leaving nail marks.


They all turn and see Catalina standing in the doorway of one of the offices. 

"Catalina!" He calls out for her.

The monster turns to Catalina and makes a run for it. Offender runs to it and pushes the beast across the office. Catalina closes locking the door and her coworkers look at her. Thankfully, they didn't see what had happened.

She looks around and sees a vent.

"ON THE VENT, NOW!" Catalina tells them.

One of them gets on the desk and opens it, getting in. Catalina holds back the door and the monster runs back and starts banging on the door. Slender and his brothers go to it. But it multiplies—the other versions of the monster fight Slender and his brothers.

Catalina starts blocking the door with furniture and rips her pencil skirt to tie things around. She removes her jacket and her coworkers grab one end helping her climb up. Catalina is inside but has her feet dangling. The monster breaks the door and the furniture break. The monster grabs Catalina's foot, but she starts using her heels as a weapon. One of them punctures the beast's eyes making it screech in pain. She and her coworkers start crawling and the beast starts sniffing them.

Slender uses his tentacles to rip a beast apart and goes to the main one. As soon as he sees it his tentacle flies around grabbing the beast.

As Catalina was crawling she cut herself drawing some blood

"Shit!" She screams at the sting. The monster and the other ones sniff her blood and are quick to jump on the city and somehow make a hole. Catalina nearly falls however her coworkers grab her. The monsters grab her feet, but Catalina once again uses her heel.

"Run!" She tells her coworkers.

"No! We're not fucking leaving you!" Slender's brothers go to help her but the main monster twists in circles and throws Slender on his brothers.

Catalina lets go of her friend's hands and falls to the ground. The monster grabs her but she kicks them with her heels. One of them scratches her making her scream in pain. Slender acts and uses his tentacles as a shield. He hisses in pain and his brothers fight off the monsters.

"Run, you have a chance to leave."

"I'm not leaving you!" She says grabbing Slender.

The next thing they know, the beats screech in pain and melt away. They melt away and they splatter everywhere. Slender covers her and they look at the remains of the monsters. Slender hisses in pain causing Catalina to flinch.

"Shit." He says removing his hand from his arm revealing a huge bloody wound.

Offender rips a part of Trender's sweater and covers Slender's wound. 

"Come on, big guy. Don't worry you'll be fine." Offender says tying the fabric around the wound.

Off: "Come on, let's go home."

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