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They all loved and adored her! Carmen was quick to befriend Catalina much to Slender and his brother's irritation. At dinner Splendor or one of the brothers would sit by Catalina since they were best friends, but now Carmen took their place! 

Not to mention, the fact that she was even taking Slender's place by Catalina!

The other night he walked into their bedroom ready to sleep with Cat only to find her "New BFF" and her playing UNO while eating on the bed!

Cat and Carmen were with Sally playing makeup while he and his brothers watched in fury. 

"I thought you killed her?" Splendor whispered.

"I sure did kill that bitch." Slender groans before turning back to his brothers and sipping whiskey.

Off: "You think she's gonna sleep with Cat like she did with Zalgo? Maybe she's after her?"

"I'll kill her before she does."

They look back and this time find Carmen snuggling with Cat! Slender growled in anger and got up much to their brother's shock.

"She wants to scissor her." Offender jokes out loud causing Slender to walk to the two women.

"Offender!" Trender and Splendor yell in sync at their brother.

Slender gets to the two women before calling for his fiance, which instantly makes her along with Carmen turn.

"What is it, baby?" Catalina still laughs after Carmen's joke.

"We need to talk." He asks very seriously which worries Cat.

"O-Okay. Carmen mind watching over Sally."

"She won't need to cause my brother's will." Slender glares at the now-glaring Carmen.


"What's wrong?" She asks concerned as her fiance locks the door behind the both of them.

"I want you to stop hanging out with her!"

"Who Carmen?"

"Who else?! I don't want you anywhere near her!"

"Babe, chill! Carmen is a good friend and if I wish to be with her then I will."

Slender growls angrily at her response. He can't have them together! He just can't! Before belonging Cat starts caressing his back bringing down his anger and relaxing him.

"Please, babe. She's the first friend I have made in a long time."

"What about my brothers?"

"Well...sometimes I feel like I need a woman to talk to and Carmen has been filling that void. Please, babe for me?"


She hated how she grabbed his hand. She hated how Catalina caressed Slender's hand and hated how close they were. She and him were never that close! The worst is at night when she walks by their room and hears them fucking! That ring on Cat's finger was better than the one Slender gave her. Cat got the better version of Slender! 

Carmen envied the human girl and hated her more when she saw Slender's hand slip down to Cat's thigh when no one noticed. It was worse when Cat flaunted just how great Slender was in bed. Carmen understood him and knew every detail that got him going in the bedroom. 

Cat kisses her fiance with such passion that rages Carmen. 


Carmen knew his routine. She knew he always went to bed around 10: 30 pm on Fridays cause he spent extra time doing more work. Carmen enters as Slender's head looks up in pure anger. How dare she show her face around him?!

"What are you doing here?" He growls out angrily.

"Awww, come on. Admit you've missed me."

"How would I miss your wretched presence after your betrayal?"


"YES BETRAYAL!" Slender slams his fist before turning something to Carmen.

"You're spying on us by Zalgo are you not?!"

"I'm meant to but I won't."

"What do you mean won't?"

"I won't till I get you back!"

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