7- Finally seeing you

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Catalina P.O.V

I slowly start waking up and see someone in front of me. My eyes slowly start adjusting, and I'm met with a tall, faceless being. My heart starts pounding in my chest and I am unable to move. I breathe faster and blink hoping it's some dream. 

He pulls out his hand and his finger starts to caress my cheek. I close my eyes believing he might harm me, however, he slowly starts leaning in.

"No need to worry." He says very comfortingly. 

I open my eyes and he starts leaning in closer. His hand caresses my cheek and starts touching my lips.

"I won't harm you, Catalina."

"W-Who are you? A-And how do you know me?"

The being shifts his head and slowly moves in closer.

"I've warned you to stop searching."

I'm left confused by what he's saying, however, that's when it hits me!

"W-Wait, y-you are the o-operator?" I say shaking

He chuckles as he starts to part away from me.

"Did you like the flowers?" He says before turning to my vanity where they were.

I blush madly and he chuckles. 

"However, you should stop with your research or whatever you're doing."

I looked at him and tilted my head, but then I remembered.

"B-But I must do the article. If I don't do it I-"

"No needs to worry, I have my contacts. You're to stop this. We all will be exposed and ruined if you keep working on this 'article' of yours."

"We? W-Wait, there's more of y-"

"Liam, Trevor, and Aaron."

"H-How do you know them?" She says scared.

"They're my brothers. I sent them to keep an eye on you. They of course had to use their mortal forms."

 I'm left shocked. The three people I considered friends were just spying on me! I considered them best friends! I feel about to cry, and he clearly notices this as he sighs and picks me up all of a sudden. I yelp holding onto his neck.

"Close your eyes."

I do as said, and start feeling light. A weird feeling that I've never felt before.

"Open them, now."

I slowly start opening them and find myself outside. I look around us and we were near a cliff it outlooked a waterfall. The sky was filled with stars and the moon shined bright. I looked down at a lake and the moon's reflection could be seen. Fireflies surrounded us and I was left amazed at the beauty.

"Wow, it's so beautiful," I say looking at the moon.

"Not many mortals have gotten here. Those that get this deep end up not coming back." He says as he starts putting me down. I look around and he grabs onto my waist.

"Come." He tells me as he grabs my wrist.

He starts walking and we get to some vines, he moves them revealing a small cave. It was covered with flowers and there was a pond right in the middle. We enter and I lean in the pond, flowers fall won onto the water, and all of a sudden I see a black tentacle grab them. I turn around and find out it was coming from him. He grabs the flower and places it in my hair.

He had no face, but if he did I would guess he was smirking. I smile softly and he starts caressing my cheek.  I start feeling dizzy and all of a sudden feel everything go black.

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