22- Past

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"Mommy!" Slender called out to his pregnant mother as she held Splendor in her arms.

Offender and Trender ran behind him, completely, ignoring their father's glances as he glared angrily at his boys. Their mother leaned down wrapping her arms around them and kissed each of their foreheads with a soft smile.

"Head inside and take a bath. You guys reek of dirt."

The boys nod heading back inside their home, meanwhile, their angry father stomps to their mother.

"Stop doting on them, they're becoming too soft, Beatrice"

"I'm not spoiling, Henry. Plus, there is nothing wrong with me showing them their own mother's love." She angrily glared at her husband while holding Splendor up, as he tears up in fear at his father's glare.

"Get down." He orders his son as he yanks the five-year-old away from his mother's hold and places him on the ground.

"Stop this instant!" Beatrice slaps her husband as she takes a crying Splendor back in her arms.


"Why is Dad so angry, Mommy?" Slender asks as his mother puts the book she was reading to him.

"You're father's just stressed out over your sister's arrival, sweetheart."

"I know, but why did he have to take Splendor like that?"

Beatrice's eyes soften at the realization that all her children witnessed their argument. She never wished for her boys to be a witness to any of their fights!

"Daddy, is just stressed, sweetie." She smiles as she kisses her son goodnight. 

Beatrice turns on his nightlight, and as she turns to the doorway her husband stands there glaring down at her.

"Turn that thing off. He's already old enough to not use this damn light." Henry demands as he walks to turn it off.

"Henry, please calm down. He's asleep."

The couple walks out closing his door and turns to one another.

"I just  want our sons and daughter to keep on the family's legacy." His eyes soften as his hand caresses Beatrice's belly holding their little girl.

"You know exactly what I feel about that. I want our children to enjoy life as regular-"

"They're not regular, Beatrice. Our children were made and born to kill as I was, as my father was, as the father before him, and as their children will be."

"No, our children were made to live as they wished. If they wish to follow your stupid legacy then they will and if they don't wish to then they won't!" Beatrice yells to her husband as she walks away from his furious presence.

"Don't you dare insult me, you wrench!" Henry yelled loud enough for his sons to wake up and walk to witness their parents fight.

"I dare and I will, Henry! Keep up with this and I shall take our boys! You and I both know I'm fully capable!"

"You'll take my children nowhere!" Henry yelled taking his wife by the hair and pushing her.

Beatrice stumbled over her dress and fell down the steps landing on the floor on her belly. Her screams fill the house as she feels the contractions hit her. Slender and his brothers rush to their injured mother and all they see is a puddle of blood under her.


Beatrice screams in agony as the midwives assists her in delivering her baby girl.

"I can't! Please, I can't! She is still not ready!"

"Beatrice, you need to push." The midwife comforts the grieving mother as she continues pushing.

Her husband anxiously waits outside worrying for his wife and daughter. His sons cry in worry for their mother as her screams slowly decrease and they seize. The midwife exits shaking her head to Henry who immediately dashes inside and finds his wife lying lifeless in the bed and his baby girl wrapped around a white cloth.

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