20-Getting Ready

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Catalina kneeled by the flowers embracing their sweet floral scent. The now five-month pregnant mother stands up picking up some herbs for dinner her fiance was to make. As Catalina walked back to the mansion a squeal coming from her chased daughter made her head turn.

"Sally! Be careful, sweetie!"

"Okay, Mommy!" A running Sally yelled out as she ran around the garden.

Catalina stands up grunting at the weight of her belly. 

Though, she was only five months into her pregnancy her stomach was humongous! As it's expected with twins, however, she's carrying the Slenderman twins. So no wonder she's so big.

Catalina calls for her daughter who runs by her side, and they both head inside with herbs in hand. Standing by the doorway her fiance immediately takes his daughter in his arms. He looks at his pregnant fiance with pure affection as her hand lands and caresses her belly.

"Mind helping me with, the herbs?" She jokes as Slender nods with a chuckle and takes the baskets from her hands.

"How are the little ones doing?" He smirks as his hand lands on her belly.

"They're doing well. Right, Sally?"

Sally nods telling her daddy how her siblings kicked her hand after she touched Mommy's belly.

As they enter the house Sally runs to the couch where Jane and E.J. sat watching TV with Carmen who glared at the expecting mother.

"My love, I have something to tell you," Slender informs Catalina who nods and starts taking out the chicken.

"What's wrong?" 

"In a few days, we will have a very....important visit." Slender groans looking upset as his fiance looks up in worry for him.

"Who will visit?" She asks as the being turns to her.

"My father will visit." Slender growls as he starts cutting the chicken aggressively with the knife he has in hand.

As he finishes cutting the poultry Catalaina's hands wrap themselves around him and kiss his back. He had mentioned his father to her, and when he did it wasn't anything good. Back when Slender was eight his mom fell pregnant with a little girl. Splendor was five at the time whereas Trender and Offender who are twins were seven. His father was a kind man back then and was just as excited as his sons. 

However, one night his parents were fighting. Their father wished to train them as killers whereas their mother didn't wish that life for her little angels.

"You will do no such thing to my children! Keep up with this and I will leave with them!" The mother had yelled at their father.

"You will not take my children!" Their father had yelled before pushing their mother in a fit of rage. He had never hurt their mother, and he was shocked at himself. the boys ran to get help for their mother who went into labor early. 

However, after twenty hours in labor, she died along with their still-born baby sister. 


Slender woke up that night and looked at his side to check on a sleeping Catalina. He sighs covering her up with the blanket, and gets up to walk to his office. 

He entered seeing his brothers already waiting for him, and turning to him.

"Which one of you told father of her?" Slender asks them as he sits on his desk and pulls out a letter his father sent him a wee ago informing of his visit, along with congratulations for Catalina's pregnancy.

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