Day 36

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Closed doors

Closed doors are just another opportunity for you to find another doors of success.

Life is composed of numerous closed doors and a one open door. To go through that one open door, you must go through those closed doors. Sometimes we thought that closed doors are much more worth it. But without knowing, these closed doors were doors of deceiving, deceiving in a way that we thought it's more valuable but it would only give us more pain and grief.

Closed doors are just signs and messages telling you that you  deserve more and what's within these doors were not enough to fill your worth because you are worth so much more.

Reality is that we look so long at these closed doors which we fail to see that the one that has been opened to us is more worth it.

What I learned is that to overthink and to stress out ourselves over those closed doors is a waste of time and energy.

When Allah closed doors to you, it's a sign that you are being re-directed to another doors. These are doors which will lead you to excellence. Success in this life doesn't start in the beginning. It actually starts with an ending. Every ending is a direction that will guide you to the right one.

🖋️ Heyn Talks

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